Monday, March 20, 2006

Blue Skies and Dinosaurs

I knew that would get your attention - I'm in a funny mood today. I suppose it is because it is Monday.

Ah, Spring Break is over! You can tell because it's busy and bustling and the weather is pretty... ::grin:: Last week (Spring Break) was cold and rainy. This week, the kids are back in school and the sun is out and it looks and feels like spring again. (go figure)

I had a coffee over the weekend and it went really well. It is always fun doing things like that. Having your friends over for coffee and dessert and conversation. Oh, and did I mention that we shopped for jewelry? I cannot WAIT for my new stuff to come in. How I do adore shiny things.

I came into the office this morning and, over the weekend, hooligans had spray painted DINOSAURS on the columns at the front entry. How odd is that, I ask you? Dinosaurs? A stenciled dinosaur at that! How strange. Who can understand the mind of a hooligan?

Wicked is coming back to Texas! Of course, it is going to be Spring 2007, but tickets are already on sale! WHOO HOO!! Sign me up, baby!

We set the dates for Munchkin to stay with her dad over the summer. I have to say that I am not looking forward to six weeks without her nearly as much as I let on. Sure it will be nice not having to worry about getting a sitter every time I have an event or something for work and having built-in Mommy Nights Out for six weeks. But that also means no bedtime stories, prayers, songs and kisses, either. I'm just going to keep myself uber-busy so I won't think about it. (does this sound like Scarlett O'Hara to anybody else?) I'm going to audition for the Summer Musical at the community theatre, take a clay class and who knows what else I can come up with.

Well, I have taken a long enough "lunch" (even though I didn't eat) so I should get back to work. Toodles!

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