Thanksgiving was great. I ate more than I should and STILL have lots of ham and dressing left over. We didn't mess with a turkey this year. It was actually kind of nice to have ham for a change.
I finally pinned my mother down and made her measure out the ingredients for her dressing, so I could write down a recipe. She's one of those maddening "a little of this, a little of that and then just taste it to know if it's right" kind of cooks. Oh, it just makes me want to bang my head against the refrigerator. *giggle* It took a lot longer to make it this year, but at least I can say that I have the recipe now. Maybe at Christmas I can get her chocolate pie recipe and then I'll be set.
My brother and his adorable wife came down yesterday and will be here through Sunday. The toddler gets so excited when she sees him that she makes herself sick. She's been very touchy and whiney this morning, so I made her get back into bed. She was making me crazy and herself miserable.
It started raining at some point really early this morning. It's not raining now, but it's still got that wet, overcast look outside. I think I'll take a page from my own advice and go lay down on the couch and play playstation until I fall asleep. Doesn't that sound lovely? *yawn*
ps. I want to go see Goblet of Fire again. Maybe I'll beg my parents to watch the Toddler so I can sneak off and go see it.
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