Thursday, October 28, 2010

Only Thursday...Really?

*whew* It's been one of THOSE weeks. Work has been all media. It's a good thing I like that stuff or it would have been a horrible week.

Princess Crybaby is doing very well. We had her 2 month appointment yesterday and she's at the 75th percentile in length (at what point does it become height - when they are vertical? LOL) at 24 inches and the 90th percentile in weight at 12 pounds 13 ounces. Nobody is worried she's not eating enough.

She showed off for the doctor too, smiling and laughing and watching him and trying to "talk" to him. She was all grins until it was time for the shots. God, I hate those. The first shot obviously made her cry but the second and third shots hit her like a ton of bricks and she howled. Pure outrage and disbelief that we, her beloved Mommy and Daddy, would inflict (or allow another to inflict) such pain upon her. HOW. COULD. WE?!

Munchkin followed suit and kicked up a royal fuss about her flu mist - she's gotten one every year since Pre-K but you'd have thought we were coming at her with this:


Have I mentioned if she changes her mind and decides she wants to be an actress, I fully expect to see THIS:

Ok... it's time to get out of here for the day.  I'm beat, Crybaby was fussy at lunch and Munchkin's dad and fiance are on their way from Austin for a weekend with Munchkin. 

Later, gators.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wish I had mopped first

Back in the summer (before Munchkin came home from NJ), I got on a Sims 3 kick.  I created a family with two children.  Boy, was that a crazy thing - the game took the kids away one time; another time the older child ran away....  In the game, I just couldn't respond to their needs fast enough AND take care of my own sims' needs.  Now that Princess Crybaby is here and we brought home the dog (basically like having a toddler in the house) I know what the sim mom must have been thinking, "CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!"  How often, as moms, do we sacrifice our own needs to ensure our children have what they need? 

I don't know where I'm going with this post.  I am unhappy I left the house a mess this morning.  We were gone all day yesterday so laundry didn't get done and I didn't mop the floors AND I didn't go grocery shopping.  Also, I've become accustomed to having time after I drop Munchkin off at school to tidy up from the morning getting-ready blitz.   I didn't have time to do that this morning b/c Munchkin has a dentist appointment at 3 so I needed to go into the office early so I could leave early.  On top of that, Princess Crybaby decided she was hungry again so everything stopped while I fed her.  Then, the dog needs to go out, the cat needs his insulin shot....see where I'm going with this?  Is it any wonder my hair gets shorter everytime I get it cut?

I'm not unhappy with our situation; I think this morning ruffled my feathers so I'm whining.  I'm a creature of habit, routine and schedules and deviating from that irks me.  I love a really clean house but also will tell you if I have to pick a 10 minute shower, 10 minutes with a smiling, laughing baby or a swiffer job on the floors - the shower or happy baby will win every time.  IF that means my house isn't magazine ready, then so be it. 

Ok, I'll quit.  Have a tidy day!