For now, enjoy a snowman on us.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Yes, Virginia, it's snowing in Crazyville!
Thanks to a neat little extra (courtesy of the geniuses at Wordpress), it's snowing in Crazyville! Don't ask me how they do it, I just think it's fun. It'll go away in a couple of days, though, so don't despair - we're not changing our location from Texas to the North Pole anytime soon!!!
For now, enjoy a snowman on us.
For now, enjoy a snowman on us.
What I Believe
I routinely surf and post on a certain forum and the debate came around about Penn & Teller's recent bit about the Bible. I will leave it to your resourcefulness, should you choose, to find the full video. It is filthy and profane and set forward to offend as many people as possible. It is not from a genuine desire to understand or question like Thomas or the Ethiopian man on the road to Gaza so I feel no compunction to entertain it here.
In reading various opinions, flippant responses, blatant untruths spread about the Bible, etc; a response began to form in my head. So, I started typing. Whether I actually post it on the forum is immaterial. I believe this debate succeeded in inspiring that which I have failed to do on my own time and again: a statement of belief. This is what I came up with....
Ok. I'm going to throw my hat (and heart) in.... Standing on the sidelines was never really my style anyway. Before I write that which is written in my heart (and it's going to be long), I will say that the only one responsible for my faith is me. The same can be said of any person. Now.....
I believe the bible is the divinely inspired word of the Almighty God. I believe that He inspired the words, written by man for centuries, as a guide we could use to live by. I believe the bible is literal truth and its core truth of salvation by grace through faith is woven through every story, conversation and character that makes up the bible.
Whether a person believes what I believe does not remove or lessen their value as a divinely inspired creation. Each person must decide for himself or herself what he/she believes about how they were created, their humanity and eternity.
I believe the Bible is a true story of a Creator who wanted more than worshippers; he wanted relationships. So he moved his hands over the coldness that was nothing and created the most perfect planet for his Beloved (us). Then, with his own hands, he created a man and a woman and breathed his own breath into them. In the beginning, the man and the woman walked with their Creator in the coolness of the garden. It was a perfect relationship. There was no cold ritual; there was no standing on tradition or theology - there was simply conversation.
It was not enough for this Creator to make a perfect world for these two people; he also gave them the gift of choice. He knew that in order for the relationship to be TRUE, they MUST choose the relationship. As anybody who has been in a relationship knows, there is always the risk of rejection.
But I get ahead of myself....
As with any relationship, the Creator set forth rules or boundaries for the relationship. The man and the woman chose to violate those boundaries. A saddened and angry Creator cast them out of the perfectness that was the relationship. Did this mean that he stopped loving them? Did this mean that he wasn't still totally invested in how the story turned out? No. It means that like any relationship, there are consequences for violating boundaries.
I believe that at the moment God created us with free will, he knew what would happen. He knew that it would only be a matter of time before the perfect gifts he had prepared for the man and woman would be rejected for their own selfish desire and willfulness. I think at the moment of creation, he could already see the bigger picture and all of the stops and starts that would have to happen over a seemingly endless number of centuries before that relationship could be restored.
I believe that the Old Testament is the first part of a story about grace. It is a story of God's never-ending love for a people he created. A people he called by name. The beginning of a covenant relationship (the call of Abraham), the establishment of the boundaries in the relationship (the law), the establishment of those who would hold God's people accountable for staying on track (prophets) and the countless examples of God's people living out the same willful and selfish decisions that the man and woman made.
Did God stop loving his people? No. The story continued. God continued moving the pieces into place for the restoration of the relationship. He promises to send someone who can restore the relationship between the Creator and his Beloved people. And then, at some point in between the Old and New Testament, God falls silent...he is waiting.
Then, the new testament begins. A new chapter in the story. It begins with something so amazing as to stretch our capacity to imagine. The story of a young couple and their infant child. A divine child. Both the Son of Man and the Son of God. Someone that had been in on the big picture from the very beginning of the story. God knew that sacrifices must be made in any broken covenant to restore the relationship. He offered the first sacrifice - his very Son - Christ. The Creator became the Created.
I believe that there was one perfect, sinless human in all of existance and it is the man Jesus, earthly son of Joseph and Mary. I believe Jesus was the Son of God. I believe that Jesus came to be the sacrifice required to restore the broken covenant between the Creator and his beloved people.
I believe that Jesus Christ died on a Roman Cross. I believe his body lay in a borrowed tomb and on the third day, he rose from the dead. I accept this as truth.
What makes Jesus so revolutionary is that his message seems too simple. Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart and you will be saved. The relationship created at the beginning of time between the Creator and his beloved (us) will be restored. That's too easy; isn't it? There's no ritual. There's no good behavior points. No opportunity for piety. Just a relationship. Just as the relationship was created in the very beginning.
I believe that the story isn't over. One day, we will be reunited with our Creator and we will once again walk with him in the coolness of the garden. That's the end of the story, given in a glimpse to the apostle John.
I believe that, like any story, it is often counter productive to the bigger themes and story to stop at one specific verse, word or chapter and pull it out and summarize the entire story. Only when you look at the entire story can you see the over-arching theme of restoration of the relationship.
That is what I believe. Nobody made me believe these things - my relationship with my Creator is a sweet relationship, based on love and a continual renewing of that grace that, like a single scarlet thread, is woven throughout the fabric of the entire human existence.
In reading various opinions, flippant responses, blatant untruths spread about the Bible, etc; a response began to form in my head. So, I started typing. Whether I actually post it on the forum is immaterial. I believe this debate succeeded in inspiring that which I have failed to do on my own time and again: a statement of belief. This is what I came up with....
Ok. I'm going to throw my hat (and heart) in.... Standing on the sidelines was never really my style anyway. Before I write that which is written in my heart (and it's going to be long), I will say that the only one responsible for my faith is me. The same can be said of any person. Now.....
I believe the bible is the divinely inspired word of the Almighty God. I believe that He inspired the words, written by man for centuries, as a guide we could use to live by. I believe the bible is literal truth and its core truth of salvation by grace through faith is woven through every story, conversation and character that makes up the bible.
Whether a person believes what I believe does not remove or lessen their value as a divinely inspired creation. Each person must decide for himself or herself what he/she believes about how they were created, their humanity and eternity.
I believe the Bible is a true story of a Creator who wanted more than worshippers; he wanted relationships. So he moved his hands over the coldness that was nothing and created the most perfect planet for his Beloved (us). Then, with his own hands, he created a man and a woman and breathed his own breath into them. In the beginning, the man and the woman walked with their Creator in the coolness of the garden. It was a perfect relationship. There was no cold ritual; there was no standing on tradition or theology - there was simply conversation.
It was not enough for this Creator to make a perfect world for these two people; he also gave them the gift of choice. He knew that in order for the relationship to be TRUE, they MUST choose the relationship. As anybody who has been in a relationship knows, there is always the risk of rejection.
But I get ahead of myself....
As with any relationship, the Creator set forth rules or boundaries for the relationship. The man and the woman chose to violate those boundaries. A saddened and angry Creator cast them out of the perfectness that was the relationship. Did this mean that he stopped loving them? Did this mean that he wasn't still totally invested in how the story turned out? No. It means that like any relationship, there are consequences for violating boundaries.
I believe that at the moment God created us with free will, he knew what would happen. He knew that it would only be a matter of time before the perfect gifts he had prepared for the man and woman would be rejected for their own selfish desire and willfulness. I think at the moment of creation, he could already see the bigger picture and all of the stops and starts that would have to happen over a seemingly endless number of centuries before that relationship could be restored.
I believe that the Old Testament is the first part of a story about grace. It is a story of God's never-ending love for a people he created. A people he called by name. The beginning of a covenant relationship (the call of Abraham), the establishment of the boundaries in the relationship (the law), the establishment of those who would hold God's people accountable for staying on track (prophets) and the countless examples of God's people living out the same willful and selfish decisions that the man and woman made.
Did God stop loving his people? No. The story continued. God continued moving the pieces into place for the restoration of the relationship. He promises to send someone who can restore the relationship between the Creator and his Beloved people. And then, at some point in between the Old and New Testament, God falls silent...he is waiting.
Then, the new testament begins. A new chapter in the story. It begins with something so amazing as to stretch our capacity to imagine. The story of a young couple and their infant child. A divine child. Both the Son of Man and the Son of God. Someone that had been in on the big picture from the very beginning of the story. God knew that sacrifices must be made in any broken covenant to restore the relationship. He offered the first sacrifice - his very Son - Christ. The Creator became the Created.
I believe that there was one perfect, sinless human in all of existance and it is the man Jesus, earthly son of Joseph and Mary. I believe Jesus was the Son of God. I believe that Jesus came to be the sacrifice required to restore the broken covenant between the Creator and his beloved people.
I believe that Jesus Christ died on a Roman Cross. I believe his body lay in a borrowed tomb and on the third day, he rose from the dead. I accept this as truth.
What makes Jesus so revolutionary is that his message seems too simple. Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart and you will be saved. The relationship created at the beginning of time between the Creator and his beloved (us) will be restored. That's too easy; isn't it? There's no ritual. There's no good behavior points. No opportunity for piety. Just a relationship. Just as the relationship was created in the very beginning.
I believe that the story isn't over. One day, we will be reunited with our Creator and we will once again walk with him in the coolness of the garden. That's the end of the story, given in a glimpse to the apostle John.
I believe that, like any story, it is often counter productive to the bigger themes and story to stop at one specific verse, word or chapter and pull it out and summarize the entire story. Only when you look at the entire story can you see the over-arching theme of restoration of the relationship.
That is what I believe. Nobody made me believe these things - my relationship with my Creator is a sweet relationship, based on love and a continual renewing of that grace that, like a single scarlet thread, is woven throughout the fabric of the entire human existence.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
After Christmas Sales
Who says wading through 50,000 pushy women, elbowing each other in the ribs to get to the same dress rack isn't fun?
Well, it probably wouldn't normally be but when I find four new dresses and a pair of NineWest boots for 50% off, I'm all OVER it!
Well, it probably wouldn't normally be but when I find four new dresses and a pair of NineWest boots for 50% off, I'm all OVER it!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
So Sick of THAT song!
This really is a VERY cute movie. I didn't think I'd like it and hadn't planned to see it but we were looking for something we could all go see (including the five-year old) and this one won (I couldn't stomach Enchanted - too much sugar).
It was very cute - the little songs were catchy and the characters were great. But, I swear to you that I'm going to PUKE if I hear that blasted Christmas song of theirs one. more. TIME!!! Munchkin totally loved it and has played the cd Over and over and over again until my ears are beginning to bleed.
Oh well. At least it's a break from the talking backpack she got from Santa. It's Diego's rescue pack. It's this catchy little salsa tune but sheesh, it's 10 seconds long and it has played 400 times today. At least it has batteries that will run down soon enough.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
It's beginning to look a lot like...
Well, you get where I'm going with this. The Christmas lights are up, the Christmas tree is all decorated and there are presents around the tree. It's almost Christmas and I don't know who's more excited - Munchkin or ME.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Enough with Tow Trucks!
Fortunately, it's not my car this time. Mom has a pretty, red Monte Carlo that she just LOVES and is, apparently, going to love to death. It may be sooner than we think. Thursday night, it wouldn't start back up when she stopped by for a quick visit. It's been sitting, lifeless, in my driveway ever since.
Having just gone through the nightmare that is car trouble, I am totally sympathetic. She had it towed over to the shop today when they tried to replace the battery without success. Meaning it wasn't the battery, not that they couldn't change out the battery....
Things around the house are messy but good. It seems like I can never get laundry finished and these hard floors are always dusty. It's amazing. Since we did all that work over the summer, the house just stays dusty - it's really irritating.
I pre-leased my new place the other day. I'm really excited about a new place. Talk about re-arranging furniture! I'm probably going to get rid of my big desk b/c I haven't the faintest idea where I'd keep it in a littler place with only two bedrooms. I can't remember if there is a little nook or anything - I need to go see the floorplan again.
It will be nice not having a yard to keep up and the only exterior space being a balcony. Munchkin doesn't really play outside because she doesn't have other children to play with. She used to have a little play house but, being an outside toy, it stayed dirty and became a lovely home for spiders and other insects and she just WAS NOT digging that. (a bit like her mother, that one)
With sweetpea's help yesterday, we hung the Christmas lights. Problem is, I think we hung them backwards and so the extension cord isn't long enough to plug them in! (it's always something) Since it's such a pretty day, I might hazard back up on the ladder and straighten them out so we can have our lights on tonight.
Last night I succumbed to a rare case of the pitifuls. I am not, by nature, a crier. I don't like to cry and, therefore, will resist crying at all costs. Last night was one of those nights though, when I was tired and it snuck up on me. I found myself helpless to resist the oh so girly activity which is a good cry. Ugh. I think I cried myself to sleep. I couldn't tell you what I was crying about which tells me that I've probably had this coming for a while so it could be any number of things.
Well, I think I'll return to the playstation for a while. Later, gators!
Having just gone through the nightmare that is car trouble, I am totally sympathetic. She had it towed over to the shop today when they tried to replace the battery without success. Meaning it wasn't the battery, not that they couldn't change out the battery....
Things around the house are messy but good. It seems like I can never get laundry finished and these hard floors are always dusty. It's amazing. Since we did all that work over the summer, the house just stays dusty - it's really irritating.
I pre-leased my new place the other day. I'm really excited about a new place. Talk about re-arranging furniture! I'm probably going to get rid of my big desk b/c I haven't the faintest idea where I'd keep it in a littler place with only two bedrooms. I can't remember if there is a little nook or anything - I need to go see the floorplan again.
It will be nice not having a yard to keep up and the only exterior space being a balcony. Munchkin doesn't really play outside because she doesn't have other children to play with. She used to have a little play house but, being an outside toy, it stayed dirty and became a lovely home for spiders and other insects and she just WAS NOT digging that. (a bit like her mother, that one)
With sweetpea's help yesterday, we hung the Christmas lights. Problem is, I think we hung them backwards and so the extension cord isn't long enough to plug them in! (it's always something) Since it's such a pretty day, I might hazard back up on the ladder and straighten them out so we can have our lights on tonight.
Last night I succumbed to a rare case of the pitifuls. I am not, by nature, a crier. I don't like to cry and, therefore, will resist crying at all costs. Last night was one of those nights though, when I was tired and it snuck up on me. I found myself helpless to resist the oh so girly activity which is a good cry. Ugh. I think I cried myself to sleep. I couldn't tell you what I was crying about which tells me that I've probably had this coming for a while so it could be any number of things.
Well, I think I'll return to the playstation for a while. Later, gators!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm sorry..this is funny!
I know you are thinking, why is she putting up goofy pictures of these cats all the time now?
BECAUSE we live in CRAZYVILLE and we amuse easily!!
Happy Saturday, folks.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Icky Outside
The weather this week has been, for the most part, rainy and miserable. Don't get me wrong - I'm glad it has finally gotten cold. The rain AND the cold has been a little icky, though. It's that drizzle that just soaks into your bones and leaves you chilled all day.
I've got a terrible show called Man vs. Wild on in the background as I fold clothes and straighten up my room. I'm biding my time until Good Eats comes on and trying to ignore the tv. This show is awful - he is a survivalist who makes his living jumping into horrible situations in the total wild. He eats terrible bugs and sleeps in caves and mud and all kinds of dirty ickiness. YUCK!
Anyway, it's a quiet night in Crazyville. If I had a fireplace, I'd light it. Then again, I'm getting sleepy and a lit fire and a sleepy fridaynightgirl is probably not a good combination.
Went to visit my alma mater today. I had been wondering if I romanticized my high school days in light of "today's high school" experience. Turns out, I really didn't. The high school that served as a second home for four really fun years of my life is a LOT bigger but other than that it's the same place. Except for the fact that the beloved choir room is in the same general place as it used to be, there is very little about the high school that is recognizable. It's well lit and warm and remarkably clean. The kids are clean cut (mostly) and seem to be well-behaved. (side note: they did look oddly at me when they saw my nametag from the competing district - they had no way of knowing that I was a Tiger, Class of '94)
I was excited to get back to work. My mind is tossing around ideas that have almost NOTHING to do with Public Relations but more with creating a culture. It's a lot of sociology. Ah, a research project. I have a theory that "urban" societies may not foster the same kind of nurturing culture that children need in order to thrive because they are consumed with survival. Keeping the children alive is an accomplishment in itself. Survival takes everything the adults have and the children are otherwise left to fend for themselves for whatever they need. Education becomes an afterthought.
I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this, so I'm on a hunt to see if I can find others who share my thought and provide some ideas how to create a culture that not only accepts but loves ALL children; regardless of skin color. Only once these children feel accepted, cared for and CHERISHED, will they feel safe enough to take the enormous risk that is the learning process.
What does this have to do with MY job, you might ask? Afterall, I'm the Public Relations Director - isn't it just my job to spin the news in our favor? Yes, but the motto for the Office of Public Relations is "Creating Community." If we can't all get along (come on - this is real life), I can work to create a community where we identify something in which we believe very strongly - children. I may not care for you and you may not care for me but we both care about the kids and that gives us a starting place from which we can work.
By understanding this need for a culture that cherishes children - even those that aren't our own - I can help the educators sustain this culture through communication - now that IS my job.
*rubbing hands together*
This is going to be AWESOME!
I've got a terrible show called Man vs. Wild on in the background as I fold clothes and straighten up my room. I'm biding my time until Good Eats comes on and trying to ignore the tv. This show is awful - he is a survivalist who makes his living jumping into horrible situations in the total wild. He eats terrible bugs and sleeps in caves and mud and all kinds of dirty ickiness. YUCK!
Anyway, it's a quiet night in Crazyville. If I had a fireplace, I'd light it. Then again, I'm getting sleepy and a lit fire and a sleepy fridaynightgirl is probably not a good combination.
Went to visit my alma mater today. I had been wondering if I romanticized my high school days in light of "today's high school" experience. Turns out, I really didn't. The high school that served as a second home for four really fun years of my life is a LOT bigger but other than that it's the same place. Except for the fact that the beloved choir room is in the same general place as it used to be, there is very little about the high school that is recognizable. It's well lit and warm and remarkably clean. The kids are clean cut (mostly) and seem to be well-behaved. (side note: they did look oddly at me when they saw my nametag from the competing district - they had no way of knowing that I was a Tiger, Class of '94)
I was excited to get back to work. My mind is tossing around ideas that have almost NOTHING to do with Public Relations but more with creating a culture. It's a lot of sociology. Ah, a research project. I have a theory that "urban" societies may not foster the same kind of nurturing culture that children need in order to thrive because they are consumed with survival. Keeping the children alive is an accomplishment in itself. Survival takes everything the adults have and the children are otherwise left to fend for themselves for whatever they need. Education becomes an afterthought.
I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this, so I'm on a hunt to see if I can find others who share my thought and provide some ideas how to create a culture that not only accepts but loves ALL children; regardless of skin color. Only once these children feel accepted, cared for and CHERISHED, will they feel safe enough to take the enormous risk that is the learning process.
What does this have to do with MY job, you might ask? Afterall, I'm the Public Relations Director - isn't it just my job to spin the news in our favor? Yes, but the motto for the Office of Public Relations is "Creating Community." If we can't all get along (come on - this is real life), I can work to create a community where we identify something in which we believe very strongly - children. I may not care for you and you may not care for me but we both care about the kids and that gives us a starting place from which we can work.
By understanding this need for a culture that cherishes children - even those that aren't our own - I can help the educators sustain this culture through communication - now that IS my job.
*rubbing hands together*
This is going to be AWESOME!
Friday, December 7, 2007
And with that...
Now that I've convinced you of my lunacy, I think I'll turn the lights off and go to sleep. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm going to stay awake and watch "I love the 80s" on VH-1. (where do you think the song came from?) Actually, the song wasn't mentioned but I was thinking about it when they showed Max Headroom. Do you remember that character? Boy, that was up there on the weird-o-meter.
Ok, ok. I'm going to bed.
At least it's Friday night. We're planning a quiet weekend around the house. We'll probably clean up a little, hang a few Christmas lights outside (because who doesn't love inflated electric bills?), go to the grocery store and whatever else we think of.
I've promised the Princess that, if she gets her room clean, I will have a tea party with her tomorrow. Hey, if it gets all of the miscellaneous art supplies off the floor - I'm all for it!
Work was great today - boy am I glad I don't have to go back for a few days. I am really looking forward to Christmas break.
'night, folks. fridaynightgirl, signing off....
Ok, ok. I'm going to bed.
At least it's Friday night. We're planning a quiet weekend around the house. We'll probably clean up a little, hang a few Christmas lights outside (because who doesn't love inflated electric bills?), go to the grocery store and whatever else we think of.
I've promised the Princess that, if she gets her room clean, I will have a tea party with her tomorrow. Hey, if it gets all of the miscellaneous art supplies off the floor - I'm all for it!
Work was great today - boy am I glad I don't have to go back for a few days. I am really looking forward to Christmas break.
'night, folks. fridaynightgirl, signing off....
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Flu Fighter
Our district is offering the Flu Mist to our kids and campus staff, trying to fight off the rampant absenteeism that happens this time of year. They were at Kiddo's school yesterday. When I asked her about it after school, she looked at me very seriously and said, "well, I didn't like it but it didn't hurt." *grin*
I went and had mine today and I concur with Munchkin. I didn't like having something squirted in my nose but it is a heck of a lot better than a shot ANYDAY.
I have no idea when I'm going to have time to Christmas shop this year. There are just too many things to do and never enough time to do them. I wanted to have an open house party too but that's sure not going to happen.
It seems like all I do is whine about how busy I am and how I feel like I never really get anything done. Why is that??
I went and had mine today and I concur with Munchkin. I didn't like having something squirted in my nose but it is a heck of a lot better than a shot ANYDAY.
I have no idea when I'm going to have time to Christmas shop this year. There are just too many things to do and never enough time to do them. I wanted to have an open house party too but that's sure not going to happen.
It seems like all I do is whine about how busy I am and how I feel like I never really get anything done. Why is that??
Monday, December 3, 2007
Oooh... I like that!
A friend of mine called me testa rossa today. That's italian for redhead.
Did you know that the Ferrari Testa Rossa is the second most valuable Ferrari ever made and is valued at $8M? WOW! I knew I was special but $8M is pretty fancy. *laugh* Now, that would be a car we wouldn't eat snacks in.
Things are good here. We're beat because Munchkin was up several times last night. She's got a doctor's appointment today and then we are planning an early bedtime tonight. It's nothing serious, but she's probably got a little infection and I want to get her looked at before it gets to where she is truly sick.
You know, the other day I was feeling the pangs of mommy-hood; wishing for another baby and freaking out marveling at how quickly my baby is growing up. So God, in His infinite wisdom and humor, gave me a reminder last night by getting up three times with a cranky baby. Guess what? I still want another one. Maybe even two more.
All in good time...
Oh! Speaking of.... I've discovered a mini-series on Sci-Fi Channel that I am COMPLETELY digging. I think I'd like to have this on DVD when it's over. I wonder if they'll release it on DVD. It's called Tin Man and it's an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz. It's pretty amazing. It's darker than the L. Frank Baum story but it's really neat. I'm enjoying it immensely. Part 2 is tonight.

Well, y'all have a happy afternoon.
Did you know that the Ferrari Testa Rossa is the second most valuable Ferrari ever made and is valued at $8M? WOW! I knew I was special but $8M is pretty fancy. *laugh* Now, that would be a car we wouldn't eat snacks in.
Things are good here. We're beat because Munchkin was up several times last night. She's got a doctor's appointment today and then we are planning an early bedtime tonight. It's nothing serious, but she's probably got a little infection and I want to get her looked at before it gets to where she is truly sick.
You know, the other day I was feeling the pangs of mommy-hood; wishing for another baby and freaking out marveling at how quickly my baby is growing up. So God, in His infinite wisdom and humor, gave me a reminder last night by getting up three times with a cranky baby. Guess what? I still want another one. Maybe even two more.
All in good time...
Oh! Speaking of.... I've discovered a mini-series on Sci-Fi Channel that I am COMPLETELY digging. I think I'd like to have this on DVD when it's over. I wonder if they'll release it on DVD. It's called Tin Man and it's an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz. It's pretty amazing. It's darker than the L. Frank Baum story but it's really neat. I'm enjoying it immensely. Part 2 is tonight.
Well, y'all have a happy afternoon.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Why am I awake?
My daughter wakes up at 7am on Saturdays. It's really quite sick. It just proves that Munchkin is as crazy as her mom.
I have very little planned. While I'm probably done sleeping (told you I was crazy), I do have laying in bed on the agenda. I think I'll go start some hot water for tea.
I wonder if my brother and sister-in-law are still coming down today. Where's the phone?
I'm sure I'll be back later, to update on what (I hope) will be a very dull Saturday around Crazyville.
I have very little planned. While I'm probably done sleeping (told you I was crazy), I do have laying in bed on the agenda. I think I'll go start some hot water for tea.
I wonder if my brother and sister-in-law are still coming down today. Where's the phone?
I'm sure I'll be back later, to update on what (I hope) will be a very dull Saturday around Crazyville.
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