Thursday, December 27, 2007

Yes, Virginia, it's snowing in Crazyville!

Thanks to a neat little extra (courtesy of the geniuses at Wordpress), it's snowing in Crazyville!  Don't ask me how they do it, I just think it's fun.  It'll go away in a couple of days, though, so don't despair - we're not changing our location from Texas to the North Pole anytime soon!!!

For now, enjoy a snowman on us. 


What I Believe

I routinely surf and post on a certain forum and the debate came around about Penn & Teller's recent bit about the Bible.  I will leave it to your resourcefulness, should you choose, to find the full video.  It is filthy and profane and set forward to offend as many people as possible.  It is not from a genuine desire to understand or question like Thomas or the Ethiopian man on the road to Gaza so I feel no compunction to entertain it here. 

In reading various opinions, flippant responses, blatant untruths spread about the Bible, etc; a response began to form in my head.  So, I started typing.  Whether I actually post it on the forum is immaterial.  I believe this debate succeeded in inspiring that which I have failed to do on my own time and again: a statement of belief.  This is what I came up with....


Ok.  I'm going to throw my hat (and heart) in....  Standing on the sidelines was never really my style anyway.  Before I write that which is written in my heart (and it's going to be long), I will say that the only one responsible for my faith is me.  The same can be said of any person.  Now.....

I believe the bible is the divinely inspired word of the Almighty God.  I believe that He inspired the words, written by man for centuries, as a guide we could use to live by.  I believe the bible is literal truth and its core truth of salvation by grace through faith is woven through every story, conversation and character that makes up the bible.  

Whether a person believes what I believe does not remove or lessen their value as a divinely inspired creation.  Each person must decide for himself or herself what he/she believes about how they were created, their humanity and eternity.  

I believe the Bible is a true story of a Creator who wanted more than worshippers; he wanted relationships.  So he moved his hands over the coldness that was nothing and created the most perfect planet for his Beloved (us).  Then, with his own hands, he created a man and a woman and breathed his own breath into them.  In the beginning, the man and the woman walked with their Creator in the coolness of the garden.  It was a perfect relationship.  There was no cold ritual; there was no standing on tradition or theology - there was simply conversation.

It was not enough for this Creator to make a perfect world for these two people; he also gave them the gift of choice.  He knew that in order for the relationship to be TRUE, they MUST choose the relationship.  As anybody who has been in a relationship knows, there is always the risk of rejection.  

But I get ahead of myself....  

As with any relationship, the Creator set forth rules or boundaries for the relationship.  The man and the woman chose to violate those boundaries.  A saddened and angry Creator cast them out of the perfectness that was the relationship.  Did this mean that he stopped loving them?  Did this mean that he wasn't still totally invested in how the story turned out?  No.  It means that like any relationship, there are consequences for violating boundaries.  

I believe that at the moment God created us with free will, he knew what would happen.  He knew that it would only be a matter of time before the perfect gifts he had prepared for the man and woman would be rejected for their own selfish desire and willfulness.  I think at the moment of creation, he could already see the bigger picture and all of the stops and starts that would have to happen over a seemingly endless number of centuries before that relationship could be restored.  

I believe that the Old Testament is the first part of a story about grace.  It is a story of God's never-ending love for a people he created.  A people he called by name.  The beginning of a covenant relationship (the call of Abraham), the establishment of the boundaries in the relationship (the law), the establishment of those who would hold God's people accountable for staying on track (prophets) and the countless examples of God's people living out the same willful and selfish decisions that the man and woman made.  

Did God stop loving his people?  No.  The story continued.  God continued moving the pieces into place for the restoration of the relationship.  He promises to send someone who can restore the relationship between the Creator and his Beloved people.  And then, at some point in between the Old and New Testament, God falls silent...he is waiting.

Then, the new testament begins.  A new chapter in the story.  It begins with something so amazing as to stretch our capacity to imagine.  The story of a young couple and their infant child.  A divine child.  Both the Son of Man and the Son of God.  Someone that had been in on the big picture from the very beginning of the story.  God knew that sacrifices must be made in any broken covenant to restore the relationship.  He offered the first sacrifice - his very Son - Christ.  The Creator became the Created.  

I believe that there was one perfect, sinless human in all of existance and it is the man Jesus, earthly son of Joseph and Mary.  I believe Jesus was the Son of God.  I believe that Jesus came to be the sacrifice required to restore the broken covenant between the Creator and his beloved people.  

I believe that Jesus Christ died on a Roman Cross.  I believe his body lay in a borrowed tomb and on the third day, he rose from the dead.  I accept this as truth.  

What makes Jesus so revolutionary is that his message seems too simple.  Confess with your mouth and believe in your heart and you will be saved.  The relationship created at the beginning of time between the Creator and his beloved (us) will be restored.  That's too easy; isn't it?  There's no ritual.  There's no good behavior points.  No opportunity for piety.  Just a relationship.  Just as the relationship was created in the very beginning.  

I believe that the story isn't over.  One day, we will be reunited with our Creator and we will once again walk with him in the coolness of the garden.  That's the end of the story, given in a glimpse to the apostle John.  

I believe that, like any story, it is often counter productive to the bigger themes and story to stop at one specific verse, word or chapter and pull it out and summarize the entire story.  Only when you look at the entire story can you see the over-arching theme of restoration of the relationship.  

That is what I believe.  Nobody made me believe these things - my relationship with my Creator is a sweet relationship, based on love and a continual renewing of that grace that, like a single scarlet thread, is woven throughout the fabric of the entire human existence.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

After Christmas Sales

Who says wading through 50,000 pushy women, elbowing each other in the ribs to get to the same dress rack isn't fun? 

Well, it probably wouldn't normally be but when I find four new dresses and a pair of NineWest boots for 50% off, I'm all OVER it!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

So Sick of THAT song!


 This really is a VERY cute movie.  I didn't think I'd like it and hadn't planned to see it but we were looking for something we could all go see (including the five-year old) and this one won (I couldn't stomach Enchanted - too much sugar). 

It was very cute - the little songs were catchy and the characters were great.  But, I swear to you that I'm going to PUKE if I hear that blasted Christmas song of theirs one. more. TIME!!!  Munchkin totally loved it and has played the cd Over and over and over again until my ears are beginning to bleed. 

Oh well.  At least it's a break from the talking backpack she got from Santa.  It's Diego's rescue pack.  It's this catchy little salsa tune but sheesh, it's 10 seconds long and it has played 400 times today.  At least it has batteries that will run down soon enough. 


Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Card


From our Family to yours, Have a Blessed Christmas

fridaynightgirl & Princess Crybaby

Saturday, December 22, 2007



Chinese fortune cookies - in English AND Spanish.  Wow.  I have opinions but I shall withhold them for my inner child. 

ps. Wayne Newton is a horrible singer.  Just thought you should know, k?

It's beginning to look a lot like...

Well, you get where I'm going with this.  The Christmas lights are up, the Christmas tree is all decorated and there are presents around the tree.  It's almost Christmas and I don't know who's more excited - Munchkin or ME.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Why is it always cold in this office?!

Maybe it's because I have to do accounting and budget stuff today (yes, I've been putting it off). 


Sunday, December 16, 2007

Enough with Tow Trucks!

Fortunately, it's not my car this time.  Mom has a pretty, red Monte Carlo that she just LOVES and is, apparently, going to love to death.  It may be sooner than we think.  Thursday night, it wouldn't start back up when she stopped by for a quick visit.  It's been sitting, lifeless, in my driveway ever since. 

Having just gone through the nightmare that is car trouble, I am totally sympathetic.  She had it towed over to the shop today when they tried to replace the battery without success.  Meaning it wasn't the battery, not that they couldn't change out the battery.... 

Things around the house are messy but good.  It seems like I can never get laundry finished and these hard floors are always dusty.  It's amazing.  Since we did all that work over the summer, the house just stays dusty - it's really irritating. 

I pre-leased my new place the other day.  I'm really excited about a new place.  Talk about re-arranging furniture!  I'm probably going to get rid of my big desk b/c I haven't the faintest idea where I'd keep it in a littler place with only two bedrooms.  I can't remember if there is a little nook or anything - I need to go see the floorplan again. 

It will be nice not having a yard to keep up and the only exterior space being a balcony.  Munchkin doesn't really play outside because she doesn't have other children to play with.  She used to have a little play house but, being an outside toy, it stayed dirty and became a lovely home for spiders and other insects and she just WAS NOT digging that.  (a bit like her mother, that one)

With sweetpea's help yesterday, we hung the Christmas lights. Problem is, I think we hung them backwards and so the extension cord isn't long enough to plug them in!  (it's always something)  Since it's such a pretty day, I might hazard back up on the ladder and straighten them out so we can have our lights on tonight. 

Last night I succumbed to a rare case of the pitifuls.  I am not, by nature, a crier.  I don't like to cry and, therefore, will resist crying at all costs.  Last night was one of those nights though, when I was tired and it snuck up on me.  I found myself helpless to resist the oh so girly activity which is a good cry.  Ugh.  I think I cried myself to sleep.  I couldn't tell you what I was crying about which tells me that I've probably had this coming for a while so it could be any number of things. 


Well, I think I'll return to the playstation for a while.  Later, gators!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

I'm sorry..this is funny!


I know you are thinking, why is she putting up goofy pictures of these cats all the time now? 

BECAUSE we live in CRAZYVILLE and we amuse easily!!

Happy Saturday, folks.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Icky Outside

The weather this week has been, for the most part, rainy and miserable.  Don't get me wrong - I'm glad it has finally gotten cold.  The rain AND the cold has been a little icky, though.  It's that drizzle that just soaks into your bones and leaves you chilled all day. 

I've got a terrible show called Man vs. Wild on in the background as I fold clothes and straighten up my room.  I'm biding my time until Good Eats comes on and trying to ignore the tv.  This show is awful - he is a survivalist who makes his living jumping into horrible situations in the total wild.  He eats terrible bugs and sleeps in caves and mud and all kinds of dirty ickiness.  YUCK! 

Anyway, it's a quiet night in Crazyville.  If I had a fireplace, I'd light it.  Then again, I'm getting sleepy and a lit fire and a sleepy fridaynightgirl is probably not a good combination. 

Went to visit my alma mater today.  I had been wondering if I romanticized my high school days in light of "today's high school" experience.  Turns out, I really didn't.  The high school that served as a second home for four really fun years of my life is a LOT bigger but other than that it's the same place.  Except for the fact that the beloved choir room is in the same general place as it used to be, there is very little about the high school that is recognizable.  It's well lit and warm and remarkably clean.  The kids are clean cut (mostly) and seem to be well-behaved.  (side note: they did look oddly at me when they saw my nametag from the competing district - they had no way of knowing that I was a Tiger, Class of '94)

I was excited to get back to work.  My mind is tossing around ideas that have almost NOTHING to do with Public Relations but more with creating a culture.  It's a lot of sociology.  Ah, a research project.  I have a theory that "urban" societies may not foster the same kind of nurturing culture that children need in order to thrive because they are consumed with survival.  Keeping the children alive is an accomplishment in itself.  Survival takes everything the adults have and the children are otherwise left to fend for themselves for whatever they need.  Education becomes an afterthought.   

I'm sure I'm not the first to think of this, so I'm on a hunt to see if I can find others who share my thought and provide some ideas how to create a culture that not only accepts but loves ALL children; regardless of skin color.  Only once these children feel accepted, cared for and CHERISHED, will they feel safe enough to take the enormous risk that is the learning process. 

What does this have to do with MY job, you might ask?  Afterall, I'm the Public Relations Director - isn't it just my job to spin the news in our favor?  Yes, but the motto for the Office of Public Relations is "Creating Community."  If we can't all get along (come on - this is real life), I can work to create a community where we identify something in which we believe very strongly - children.  I may not care for you and you may not care for me but we both care about the kids and that gives us a starting place from which we can work. 

By understanding this need for a culture that cherishes children - even those that aren't our own - I can help the educators sustain this culture through communication - now that IS my job. 

*rubbing hands together*

This is going to be AWESOME!

Friday, December 7, 2007

One more bit of goofiness - then I'm quitting (for now)

funny pictures

And with that...

Now that I've convinced you of my lunacy, I think I'll turn the lights off and go to sleep.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I'm going to stay awake and watch "I love the 80s" on VH-1.  (where do you think the song came from?)  Actually, the song wasn't mentioned but I was thinking about it when they showed Max Headroom.  Do you remember that character?  Boy, that was up there on the weird-o-meter. 

Ok, ok. I'm going to bed. 

At least it's Friday night.  We're planning a quiet weekend around the house.  We'll probably clean up a little, hang a few Christmas lights outside (because who doesn't love inflated electric bills?), go to the grocery store and whatever else we think of. 

I've promised the Princess that, if she gets her room clean, I will have a tea party with her tomorrow.  Hey, if it gets all of the miscellaneous art supplies off the floor - I'm all for it! 

Work was great today - boy am I glad I don't have to go back for a few days.  I am really looking forward to Christmas break.


'night, folks.  fridaynightgirl, signing off....



The oddest song I ever loved

Don't ask.  *giggle*

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Somebody's got a little time on their hands...

Wonder how much they spent on this study?

Flu Fighter

Our district is offering the Flu Mist to our kids and campus staff, trying to fight off the rampant absenteeism that happens this time of year.  They were at Kiddo's school yesterday.  When I asked her about it after school, she looked at me very seriously and said, "well, I didn't like it but it didn't hurt."  *grin*

I went and had mine today and I concur with Munchkin.  I didn't like having something squirted in my nose but it is a heck of a lot better than a shot ANYDAY. 

I have no idea when I'm going to have time to Christmas shop this year.  There are just too many things to do and never enough time to do them.  I wanted to have an open house party too but that's sure not going to happen. 

It seems like all I do is whine about how busy I am and how I feel like I never really get anything done.  Why is that?? 


Monday, December 3, 2007

Oooh... I like that!

A friend of mine called me testa rossa today.  That's italian for redhead.  

Did you know that the Ferrari Testa Rossa is the second most valuable Ferrari ever made and is valued at $8M?  WOW!  I knew I was special but $8M is pretty fancy.  *laugh*  Now, that would be a car we wouldn't eat snacks in. 

Things are good here.  We're beat because Munchkin was up several times last night.  She's got a doctor's appointment today and then we are planning an early bedtime tonight.  It's nothing serious, but she's probably got a little infection and I want to get her looked at before it gets to where she is truly sick.

You know, the other day I was feeling the pangs of mommy-hood; wishing for another baby and freaking out marveling at how quickly my baby is growing up.  So God, in His infinite wisdom and humor, gave me a reminder last night by getting up three times with a cranky baby.  Guess what?  I still want another one.  Maybe even two more. 

All in good time...

Oh! Speaking of.... I've discovered a mini-series on Sci-Fi Channel that I am COMPLETELY digging.  I think I'd like to have this on DVD when it's over.  I wonder if they'll release it on DVD.  It's called Tin Man and it's an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz.  It's pretty amazing.  It's darker than the L. Frank Baum story but it's really neat.  I'm enjoying it immensely.  Part 2 is tonight. 


Well, y'all have a happy afternoon.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Why am I awake?

My daughter wakes up at 7am on Saturdays.  It's really quite sick.  It just proves that Munchkin is as crazy as her mom. 

I have very little planned.  While I'm probably done sleeping (told you I was crazy), I do have laying in bed on the agenda.  I think I'll go start some hot water for tea.

I wonder if my brother and sister-in-law are still coming down today.  Where's the phone?

I'm sure I'll be back later, to update on what (I hope) will be a very dull Saturday around Crazyville.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Today is Thursday

It's a brisk Thursday morning and I have a lot to do and only two more days to do it.  I've got to finish filling in holes for the website content, finish and send off two ads and get quotes on printing the Foundation brochure.  I've also got to work on the job description for my new Media Specialist.  Because I need somebody with more skills than general clerical, we'll have to code it differently.  Otherwise, I'll be selecting from a pool of folks with only $20,000 in salary expectations.  Uh, no.

So, I'm working on that.  Oh, and I have a baby shower (as I mentioned before) and a Theatre Gala Planning Meeting and my mother's theatre festival tonight.  No problems sleeping here. 

Have a happy day, folks.

Magical Meatballs

So, we're having a baby shower for our ED of Administration and his wife today.  Their new baby just arrived and I can't wait to meet her!  Like all good Southern gatherings, we eat at all social functions.  There is a lady in the office who, traditionally, brings these really delicious meatballs.  She isn't going to be here today so I volunteered to make the magic meatballs. 

 The recipe is really easy and in no time flat I had a pot of really scrumptious meatballs, simmering in my kitchen.  I can't wait to taste them.  Here's the recipe:

ooh the magic…

1 family size bag of frozen homestyle meatballs
2 bottles of Heinz chili sauce
1 cup of grape jelly
dash lemon juice

Pour frozen meatballs in crock pot.  In pan, combine chili sauce & grape jelly until jelly totally mixes into chili sauce.  Pour over meatballs.  Cover and heat on low for 6 hours (or more).  The longer they simmer, the better they are.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Totally Digging the new Layout

See, I told you I was crazy.

Official Ribbon Cutting


Welcome to Crazyville!

If admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery, then I, fridaynightgirl, am coming clean - I'm crazy. I live with crazy people. We live in Crazyville. And boy what fun we have! (most of the time!)

Our Cast of Characters (and boy aren't we characters!):

fridaynightgirl: Queen Bee Crazy
Munchkin (the five-year old): Princess Crybaby  (no, she's not really a crybaby - I'm being clever, dang it!) 
My mother: the Queen Mother
Crazyville kitty mascots - Oscar & Kali.  Oscar's my roly-poly baby and Kali's my grumpy princess.

You'll see other characters around here, I'm sure, so feel free to stop by any time. It's a safe bet things will be loony.

The population changes, depending on who wants to play Playstation but we average in between 3 and 10 on any given day.  There's usually coffee going and I can almost always find something to snack on.  So, pull up a chair and get comfy!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Ho, Ho... *yawn*

We've dragged the boxes down and are preparing to embark on that great undertaking called decorating for the Holidays.

Now that I've got everything down, I find that it's the time of day when I am tired and don't particularly want to delve into the boxes - even though I'm excited about decorating this year.

I've pulled all of the autumn decorations down and cleared counter spaces and table tops. And that's as much as I'm going to do tonight.


Thanksgiving was great. We still have LOTS of ham and dressing left over and that's terrific. More for left overs. Yes, we passed on the turkey and made ham instead. Now, before you have a kitten, hear the logic. Mom likes dark meat, I like white. Neither of us eat a lot of meat, preferring instead to eat oodles of dressing. So, why buy a turkey which is going to be WAY too much meat when I can buy a little spiral sliced ham and be happy? DUH. *grin*

Folks, I am beat. Tomorrow, we'll decorate. Tomorrow, we're also going to work on Munchkin's letter to Santa.

Until then, good night.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Close Calls

Monday, my mother called me and said that my brother was in the emergency room in Arlington with an inflamed wisdom tooth. He was waiting for an oral surgeon to come and extract his tooth.



So, 3am rolls around, my brother has been in the ER since afternoon and still no surgeon. Realizing that my brother is 1. not going away and 2. getting worse, they transfer him to Harris-Methodist H-E-B. (that's in Bedford). Mom decides to go up there and wait with them.

He is assessed at 6am and 10 minutes later, they are wheeling him into emergency surgery. The infected tooth has now abscessed and is blocking his airway. This has gone from a painful to a very scary and dangerous situation.

45 minutes later the surgery is over and they removed a fist-size abscess from his throat and lymph area. They are VERY concerned about if the infection moved from the vulnerable lymph into his lungs, heart or brain. They were concerned about the amount of trauma inflicted on his trachea and vocal chords by the infection and subsequent surgery. He was placed on a ventilator to help him breathe until the swelling in his throat went down.

Mom calls me frantically while I'm touring the County Courts Building with Leadership Temple. I am completely stuck there, as we left our personal vehicles at the Chamber and rode a bus. I decided that was the best place for me to be because Munchkin was in school and the stress would really frighten her. So, I tried to encourage Mom as much as possible from where I was and I tried to distract myself with the activities of the day.

I will forever be haunted by the terrible thoughts that raced through my head that day. There was a very real possibility that my brother could die.

As soon as work was done, we threw some things in a bag and raced up there. The next morning, we went to the hospital to join Mom and J's wife (lissa) as they held what would become a four-day vigil in the ICU waiting room.

My brother looked positively horrible when I first saw him. I was shocked how little he looked like himself and I was amazingly terrified for him. He drifted in and out most of that day - he wasn't really there with us although he seemed to respond to us. By the evening, he was regaining a little consciousness and was a little more responsiveness.

I had intended to only stay until early evening on Wednesday and then come home. Once I got up there, though, I knew that I needed to stay. J's little glazed over eyes seemed to light up when I went back in that night and told him I was staying.

Thursday morning, J was responding much more and getting a little more demanding. That's how we knew he was on the way back. Friday's prognosis was very good - they took him off the ventilator and put him on clear fluids and said they'd move him out of ICU as soon as a bed opened up.

Munchkin was excellent throughout this process; tedious as it was for her. She made friends with other children also waiting with anxious families in the ICU and was usually the most popular child as we had lots of activities for her to do and movies to watch on one of several laptops (mine, mom's or lissa's). Kids gathered around the movie and watched as I sat nearby and read.

J is well on the road to recovery and may even be released tomorrow (Sunday). It will be a while before he's back to work and even longer before he'll be running any marathons with his classmates but he WILL go back.

You know, out of all the things he could have been anxious over, his very first concern upon waking up after his surgery was his standing as a cadet in the arlington police academy. It took a couple of days to reassure him but multiple visits by police officers, his instructors and classmates has reaffirmed his place as APD. It was really heart-warming to see how they rallied to his side. The police wives made several visits to the hospital with baskets of goodies and lots of support.

I observed several interesting things while we were rotating in and out of J's room during visiting hours.

1. I definitely found a new home for all of the magazines that build up around the house. In less than three days, I think I read every magazine. Yesterday (Friday), I ran home to pick up a few things and feed two very irate kitties and I grabbed as many magazines and books (kids and adult alike) to stock up the waiting room. As I get magazines built back up, I will take them to one of the area ICU waiting rooms.

2. If you want to see a visible presence of the Host, visit your local ICU. You will feel the brush of angel wings, I promise.

3. ICU waiting rooms were not designed with children in mind. While the waiting room at Harris was great because it split the chairs into little living-room arrangements, there were no puzzles or books for younger children. While we were there, we observed no less than four children there the entire time and a rotation of another three or four children coming in and out. I would like to see hospitals with playgrounds somewhere on the campus so kids who are waiting can have a place to run some of that energy out.

So, we're home. I cannot wait to sleep in my own bed and put Munchkin to bed at a decent hour. *yawn* That may happen sooner rather than later. I am so tired.

Tired and thankful.

Thankful it was a close call.
Thankful to see such a visible and reassuring presence of the Lord.
Thankful to be home because he's going to be just fine.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Moving the Piles Around on My Desk

I found some completely funny cartoons that are completely relevant today. Enjoy!

Cartoons by Dave Walker. Find more cartoons you can freely re-use on your blog at We Blog Cartoons.

It's been that kind of day around the PR Office. But now I'm back to work. Board meeting tonight - that should be fun... I'm presenting two lighthearted things, a significant but not life-changing item and then the rest of the meeting should be oh, gosh - exciting.

Friday, November 9, 2007

This Week was brought to you by....

District Spokesperson fridaynightgirl said, "wah, wah, wah, wah..."

"Sure, I can get that website tree organized and the general brochure copy to you THIS WEEK."

Vacation, anyone? *hands raised* Fiji sounds very appealing right now.

Somebody SAVE me from all of the candy!!!!


And with that, I am closing the book on this week. Bring on the weekend!


Thursday, November 8, 2007

Earning those lines

You know the phrase, "earning my stripes?" I think it actually means circles and lines - wrinkles and under-eye shadows from a lack of sleep.

I guess I've been in a funk. I'm feeling more calm today and that's been a nice change. I certainly hadn't intended on staying in a funk for a couple of WEEKS but I guess that's where I've been.

Work is killing me. I love it but it's a little more than I can handle some days. I am carrying the workload of two or three of me. It's probably no more than everybody else around here - the difference is that I don't have an assistant.

Yes, I'm whining.

So, work is crazy (as usual) but I did get the yard mowed last weekend. Yes, you read that right - I mowed the yard. It wasn't that bad, actually. Except for the fact that I had to sweat, it was quite nice walking back and forth in my yard. Gave my legs a nice little workout. *laugh*

Munchkin's getting bigger and smarter and mouthier by the day. Actually, she's not that bad. It's that she's so smart and she's surrounded by kids who are growing up being allowed to mouth off to adults so she's trying it out. Too bad for Munchkin.

Well, my 2pm meeting is here so I'd better quit for now. Is it time for vacation yet? fridaynightgirl could use a sabbatical. I thought about pulling the site down for a while but can't stand the thought of being away. I miss writing. That's my pre-new year's resolution - get back to the blog like the "good old days" before I was "district spokesperson."


Sunday, October 21, 2007

A Good Weekend

Had a fun day with Mom and Munchkin yesterday. Mom called and said she had some "holes" in her cool weather wardrobe and she needed to do a little shopping. Well, color me happy and count me in.

So, we went shopping, we ate a really great meal at the new restaraunt in town and we had a really nice day.

Last night, Munchkin and I went to see Barrage at the CAC and it was fun. I wish they'd played more of the world music that they advertise on their website but, apparently, that was at the second show. The music they played was excellent, just not as varied as I would have enjoyed. I wonder if they set the playlist to be deliberately more palatable to a younger crowd. Unfortunate. I don't think the selections, although played well and very entertaining, stretched the imaginations of anybody there.

Today was a church day and it was great - as always. I really like this new church. The preaching is really solid without resorting to shock value - just to prove he can be edgy. He's doing a sermon series on the book of James and it's pretty edgy all by its little self. Today was about the tongue and how our words can evicerate those we claim to love if we cannot tame it. It was a really powerful sermon.

This afternoon, we laid around all lazy, like cats. Then, after a little nap, we played around in the house - Munchkin drawing pictures and writing notes while I just sat by, watching her creative little mind. We made more cookies - most of which, I'm sure, we'll give away again. There's just no way we'll ever eat 3 dozen cookies.

Have I mentioned that I have just completely gone nuts over the show, "So You Think You Can Dance?" Well, I have. I've watched the 2nd and 3rd seasons and I just LOVE the dancing! I know, I'm a complete geek. Yes, I know.

I'm going to bed. Well, actually, I'm doing laundry and am going to sit in a hot bath until I can't keep my eyes open.

'night, folks!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Her Name is Betty

I bought a new car! I meant to tell you all about it but, as usual, the rush of life and all.... WEll, here she is. Her name is Betty - isn't she pretty? She's a 2006 Dodge Caravan,

Never thought I'd be excited about a minivan but, let me tell you - those are the most comfortable seats I've ever sat in and it has a DVD player for Munchkin. You can even plug in the playstation for family trips. Yahoo!

I' put my Temple Wildcat sticker on the back right away and it's really kind of endeared me to some of the folks in the office. The day I brought her to work I went over to the athletic office and got my new sticker.

Well, I'm excited. It's my first (mostly) new car since ... well, it's been a while.

Things are hectic and crazy as ever but at least I'm riding around in mommy-style. *grin*

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

What a Weekend

I still haven't quite recovered from Friday night.

We were on our way to the Temple-Round Rock game when my car started making a knocking sound. When it didn't stop after 10 miles, I pulled off to a gas station, just north of Georgetown. Hearing my grandfather's voice in my head, I checked the oil. (that was always his advice: "Paw-Paw, I have a flat tire." "Check the oil.") Well, to my alarm, the dipstick was dry. Not low - DRY. We put three quarts in but to no avail.

Afraid to drive it back to Belton, I had it towed back to Belton. Everyday Joe was kind enough to meet us at the shop and take us home. Oh, I have to mention that little twist in our story.

Apparently, stand up guy that Joe is, he got to the shop before we did and was just waiting on our arrival. Being 9 o'clock on a Friday night, though, somebody thought that was suspicious and called the police. Just as we pulled up with the car, four police cars and a Sheriff arrived. *laugh* It all worked out, of course, but they thought Joe might be planning on breaking into that shop.

So, we leave the car and go home. I walk in the house and realize that the kitchen door is standing open. Looking into my office, I see that my laptop is gone. My house has been burglarized. Thinking of a few other things I have in the house, I went back to my bedroom and, sure enough, they'd come through my bedroom window. The problem was that it was unlocked.

Now, folks, I NEVER unlock those windows. First of all, they don't have screens and I'm worried about the cats jumping out, bugs flying in, etc. Second, I'm never home so I'm not going to leave a window unlocked; just waiting for somebody to help themselves. But most importantly, those windows are about five feet off the ground - I'm terrified Munchkin would open them and fall out and break her neck. Long story short, I never unlock those windows. I can't remember the last time I had that window open.

The laptop was the only thing stolen which leads police to believe that somebody had been in the house to unlock the windows (turns out all of the windows in my bedroom were unlocked) - maybe while the roofers were working on my house. They had the opportunity to come in, scope things out, unlock the windows and then they just had to wait until everybody was gone. That turned out to be Friday night.

USAA is the greatest insurance company. I called them Saturday morning, opened the claim for my stolen laptop and yesterday they told me they were depositing almost $1000 in my bank to replace it.

The car is not such good news. I got the call yesterday that there had been a slow leak that ended up burning up my motor when it ran out of oil without me knowing it. There was no indication of a leak (like oil on the ground) because it probably sprayed back, rather than dripping to the ground. See, the last time I got my oil changed, they turned the cap too tight and cracked it. I never even knew it.

So, rather than spend $1500-$2000 to replace the motor, I'm going to get a new car. Because I know there is a major problem with it, I'm not going to try and trade it in but keep it and pay it off then sell it to a junk yard. *sigh* I know that's probably the hard way of doing things but I can't see another way besides trying to pass it off in trade which would eat a hole in me; not to mention that it's ILLEGAL.

I am NOT looking forward to car shopping. I stopped enjoying car shopping a long time ago. Now it's just a tedious process that causes a lot of anxiety. I hate it.

Well, wish me luck. I'm off.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Strange Life

What a strange life I lead. Work is great - I have a new boss and I really like her. I'm really busy at work and it's all good stuff.

We're visiting a new church and I really like it. The music is great and the preaching is terrific.

So, life is buzzing along at the speed of sound.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Every Day

Wow. I was all ready to post a glib little post about the progress of my new roof. I even had pictures of my roofers, laughing on the roof today.

But then I got home and looked through the news archives and found this. This police officer was killed today. Yesterday, he helped us at the high school with the bomb threat. Yesterday, he was smiling.


If you haven't lately, be sure and thank a police officer. Every day they risk their lives.

'night, y'all. Tomorrow I'll report on the roof.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

what a day!

today was such a day i don't think i can use capital letters. i'm so tired. i want to take a long hot bath and go to s-l-eeeeeeeeep....

it was a good day. just a very long one.

'night, 'night.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ah, A new Phase

Munchkin ROLLED her eyes at me. Tonight. She's FIVE. Not fifteen. Not seventeen. Not thirteen. FIVE.

Ah, the joys of being of an age when you still don't recognize mortal danger when it's staring you in the face.

*YAWN* I am so amazingly tired. The roof is fine. The package is here (it's REALLY cool - score, Dad.) and I'm fading faster than a spray on tan.

Do you realize this is the FOURTH post this week? And it's only Tuesday! Whoo hoo!

I think I'll call it a night, folks.

It WAS a Misunderstanding

The contractor has the package. He said to me, as I was calming down about the water, "ma'am, by the way, I have your package." He said that they worked until dark and I still wasn't home yet (I had a board meeting). He said he was afraid that if I didn't see the notice and left it out, something would happen to it. So, he put it in his truck to bring to me today.

I thought that was nice of him. *sigh* There is still good in the world. *laugh*

Have a soggy day!

Is it Raining Out There?

OH my, what a mess. Mother hired a contractor to re-shingle my roof. They got most of the old shingles torn off and the roof started, but they didn't get finished. Thinking the rain was going to pass by (as the forecast said), they figured they'd finish today. Well, at 3am this morning, I was awakened by the very unpleasant sound of thunder. When I got up, I thought I heard water dripping in the house. Sure enough, there was water coming out of the kitchen air conditioner vent!! So, I put towels down and a bucket and went back to bed. The rain continued until 5am when the rain started coming in my BEDROOM vent. So, at 5am, I got up and called the contractor and told him to GET OVER HERE and DO something so this didn't turn into a VERY BIG PROBLEM.

I am not known for my diplomacy at 5am; after being so rudely awakened at 3. I was as nice to him as I could be since he didn't do it on purpose but STILL. *sigh* I don't like home improvement projects.

Actually, he was very nice - VERY apologetic. He stayed very calm, seemed very certain this was not a serious problem but is on his way over to fix it and was very reassuring that he would fix anything that was damaged (which I don't think anything was) by the water.

So, that's the start of my day.

Monday, September 10, 2007

A Good Day

Today was a good day. Actually, today was a great day...until I got home. I got almost everything on my to do list done which, if you know me, is an amazing feat. I am an overachiever and I make far too many tasks for any human to accomplish in one day. But I got almost everything done today.

Munchkin had a good day at school and she's spending the night with her Nana because I had a school board meeting tonight and I have Leadership Temple tomorrow - it starts at 7am.

I got home tonight, though, and found a UPS note on my door. They are saying they left it at the back door but it's not there. *sigh* So now we have to try and chase down what happened to it. The package is from Munchkin's dad - it is her birthday present. And now it's gone missing. What a way to end such a great day. Not only do I have to chase down this package tomorrow, I also have to come to terms that I may have a thief in my neighborhood - something I've NEVER had to deal with living here, in Belton. I am SO irritated. I'm hoping it turns up and was just a misunderstanding. Ugh.

Oh, and by the way, we're getting a new roof and there are torn up shingles all over my yard. I hate home improvement projects. What a mess. *sigh*

It's 11pm and I'm beat. I'm going to bed. I'm going to try very hard to shake off the urge to write off this day that has been so overwhelmingly good because of this nasty little turn, right here at the end of the day.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

See You in Three Weeks!

Oh man, three weeks since my last post. Any of you that used to read are, I'm sure, all gone. Heck, I'm gone - what are we talking about?

Life has been so busy that it's hard to maintain the blogging. Now that we're back at school, though, I should be able to be a little more present.

Work is nuts. Start of school last week was SO fun! Munchkin started at her new school and she loves it. She even gets to ride a bus! She rides a bus in the afternoons from her school to my mother's school. She spends about an hour and a half in mom's classroom until I get off. That gives her enough time to have a snack and a little downtime where she can lay down. Mom says she almost always sleeps. School is hard work!

Just so you know - EG and I are history. He had a revelation from God that he should be with somebody that shared ministry calling and I don't. I also don't buy in to a lot of the more charismatic practices that EG got such a kick out of. It's better this way. God has given me a tremendous peace about it.

So, I'm working and taking care of Munchkin. Tomorrow is her birthday so expect a really sappy post about Doodlebug tomorrow.

Before I go, I want to share a couple of sunsets with you. It has rained an amazing amount here in Texas and the stormclouds have created some spectacular sunsets. Here are two from just last week. I just happened to have the camera.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Golly I'm tired

Work is killing me. In a good way. Is that possible? *grin* *yawn*

Sorry for the lack of writing. I've come home every night for the past three weeks and crawled into bed. My brain is tired and my hands are tired and my eyes are tired and my ears are tired and ... well ... I'm tired. I'd laugh but I'm too tired.


Amazingly enough, I started this last night around 9:15. I was so tired, I got up, walked away and never came back to it. Can you see how tired I am?

Can you develop ADD out of sheer sleepiness?

Work was better today. We were supposed to have a back-to-school celebration but it was cancelled on account of rain. Naturally, it stopped raining this afternoon and has been clear. *grin* Oh well. Better safe than soggy. *giggle*

Oh, to update on the past couple of weeks - the principals are overwhelmingly supportive of the new programs I want to try. YEAH! Monday, I presented the full Public Relations plan to the Board and they were so complimentary! I think I achieved a new District record for "longest-presentation-EVER" but they seemed to really be into it so I didn't worry about it. I did, however, get quite a bit of ribbing from the ED of Administration and the District's Attorney. Bah humbug.

I need an assistant. Think I'll make that my next project. But, for now, I'm home. In jeans and a tshirt and I'm looking around the house saying to myself, "golly, I need to sweep. and do laundry. what's for dinnner?" *sigh* Ok, I'm going.

Have a happy weekend, y'all.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Going to the Principal's Office

Do you remember the sick feeling of dread that settled in your stomach when someone mentioned "the office?" You don't? Maybe that was just me. Anyhoo - So I'm working for the school system and, as part of our back-to-school prep , I'm meeting with as many of the principals as I can to tell them one-on-one about the new publicity procedure, the changes to the website and other PR initiatives that are starting this fall.

Since it is my program, I feel very confident about the material to be presented and have, so far, received very good feedback from other principals, administrators and board members. Tomorrow I'm presenting to seven principals and I will admit I'm a little nervous. It is, after all, very important to have principal buy-in if we are to experience success. *sigh* Ah, work.

Nine more days and Munchkin will be home. At least, that's the plan. I still haven't seen an itinerary but I'm trusting that this is going to be all right and I won't have to go up there and get her.

*YAWN* Gosh, I'm tired. I guess I'll wrap up and go to bed. Busy day tomorrow. 'night, folks.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

To the End

After long months waiting and wondering how it would all end, I received my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Book 7) yesterday. I opened the package, read the acknowledgement and closed the cover again. Was I really ready to see how it all ended?

I was already an adult and married when Rowling's Boy Who Lived burst on to the scene. I was almost immediately intrigued but didn't read the books right away. But once I did, I was hooked. The story of this kid and all of his adventures (both good and bad) has a way of pulling you in. You genuinely care about the kids and want to see them do well.

As I began Book 7, I could see right away that Rowling meant business and got right down to it. There was very little background information and the action didn't wait at all to hurtle you along to that oh so final climax.

I will not give away the game here because I don't think that's fair. The book was as satisfyingly complete as I hoped it would be, as terribly sad as I expected it to be, with a few "OMGoshes" thrown in for good measure. Definitely five stars.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Oh my gosh!!!

Ok, so I'm not going to do the full review because my brains are turning into oatmeal as I sit here. It's almost 3am and I have to get up and be a grown-up again in three hours so I'll make this quick.

OH MY GOSH!!! Just got home from OOTP and WOW, it was terrific. Sirius's end was as terrible as I thought it would be. I love the way they handled it.

Let me give this critique: Having read the books at least three or four times ensured that I always knew where the holes were and filled them in myself but they cut some pretty big chunks out of the plotline. The holes left were pretty gaping - I can imagine it might have been quite a stretch for the unread movie-only HP fan. (shame, that)

Fred & George's exit was priceless. I did think, however, that the directors minimized the lasting hooplah and general rebellion on the part of the student body after their exit. But, as I told Mom (or Mum, if we're using true HP speak), this is the Empire Strikes Back episode in the series and it needed to stay intense so we'd be good and worked up for Books 6 & 7.

HP fans - don't miss this one. They did the story justice - even with all of the cuts. Non-HP loyalists - take a HP-friend if you want to start the story this late in the game. Otherwise, you'll probably hate it.

Somehow I don't think Book 7 is going to tie up all of our loose little ends so tidily. I can hardly wait. Tempting is not quite the word for the urge to pull down the series NOW, make a pot of leaded coffee and just stay up and read. Three hours is only going to make me feel bad.

OH, who am I kidding? I'm too old for an all-nighter. 'night, folks.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tonight at Midnight!!

K and her hubby, Mom, H and I are going to see OOTP (that's Order of the Phoenix for you non-Harry Potter folks). I've had my tickets for a week and I am SO geeked out!!

We're getting there at 10pm to camp out with the teenie boppers. I'm actually (yes, I am about to say this...) looking forward to dishing with them about Book 7 (which releases on the 21st).

I am SO excited! Newsweek gave OOTP a rather lackluster review but they also loved Rattatoille and I hated it, so we'll just agree to disagree, ok?

Keep the coffee coming my way tomorrow, though - while everybody (wisely) took the day off tomorrow, I am working. AND, it's a CRAZY day tomorrow, filled with meetings where I have to appear to know what I'm doing and not totally whacked out on three hours of sleep. *giggle* I'm an idiot.

Review coming tomorrow. I solemnly swear!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

whipped cream is overrated

Last night, EG and I went to dinner at PF Chang's, in Austin. YUM. I love eating with chopsticks. Their lo mein was so tasty and the citrus spice tea was delicious. EG ordered a spicy chicken dish that brought tears to your eyes but it was so YUMMY!

After dinner, we went to the Cheesecake Factory for dessert. I ordered my favorite: Chocolate Mousse Cheesecake. Heavens, it was so rich. They put two HUGE swirls of whipped cream on it, though. Why do they do this? It isn't pumpkin pie!! So much whipped cream (in my humble opinion - as are all of my opinions) takes away from the chocolate nirvana that is this cheesecake.

*giggle* Ignore me, I think I'm still a little bit "overwhelmed" from dessert. Have a happy day!

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Parades and Sausage on a Stick

It's the Fourth! One of my favorite holidays because everybody is in red, white and blue, "That goin' band from Tiger Land" (Belton HS Marching 100) plays the fight song as they march down Main Street and everybody turns out for the parade. After the parade, we walked down to the park to get sausage on a stick and roasted corn. Yum.

Now we're home and in the air conditioning for a nap. Tonight, we'll go over to Miller Park in Temple for the fireworks, if it isn't raining.

Happy Birthday, America!

Happy Birthday, America!

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Summer Movie Bonanza!

Whoo hoo! This is the part of summer that I adore - the summer movies are in full swing and I'm reaping the benefits!

Just a quick update of the summer movie extravaganza:

Pirates 3: Awesome flick! I don't care what the critics say, I loved it. I've seen it twice and I'll see it again - definitely buying this one to make the collection complete. The stories and characters that we've been watching, hating and rooting for/against all come together in this magnificent episode. Keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Evan Almighty: side-splitting funny. The animals were, as expected, spectacular. There were a couple of really soft moments where you thought you might tear up but then something funny would happen and you would pull it together. Another good one. Don't know that I'll buy it but it was a fun Friday night.

Live Free or Die Hard: OMGosh this ROCKED!! Stuff was blowing up less than 10 minutes into the show and it didn't stop until the credits rolled. Bruce Willis was at his acerbic best. You totally marvelled at how well the guy is aging. I didn't even care that he's old enough to be MY dad - wow. *grin* Definitely one to buy.

Ratatouille: as disappointing as television food - looks SO good until you find out it's held together by glue and hairspray. The best parts of the movie were the clips they put in the previews. This is the first Pixar film that I haven't just loved. In fact, EG and I left half way through it. It just doesn't grab you and give you a reason to love the characters. The scenery shots of Paris were spectacular but the story was less than gripping. So, we left.

Coming Soon:

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. July 11

Oh golly I'm excited. I got my "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" shirt yesterday. CUTE!!! I am really looking forward to seeing this film. Even though OOTP was my second least favorite book in the series (next to Chamber of Secrets), the action is so intense in the story that you are drawn back to it. Perhaps CAPSLOX Harry won't be as petulant in real life as he was on paper. Kind of makes you want to reach into the book and thump the boy. And Voldemort promises to be as terrifyingly evil as your imagination can possibly make him. I CANNOT WAIT (have I said that?)

Then, the next week after OOTP, Book 7 arrives! then, I'll get paid again, put the deposit down on my dress, get whatever I'm going to get to redo Munchkin's room and then it will be just about time for her to come home. *whew*

All that thinking made me sleepy. I think I'll grab a water and go get into bed. 'night.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Weekend Update

After six weeks of holding my breath, we pulled off the big surprise.

My brother and sister-in-law moved to Florida last December. He called me six weeks ago and said they were moving home to Texas in August. He was flying in on the 21st to test for the Arlington PD. I was sworn to secrecy because he wanted to surprise Mother for her birthday.

It was a wild six weeks of trying not to come undone with glee. Oh, but it gets harder. Much MUCH harder. Two weeks ago, J calls me and says, "hey, plans have changed a little. We are moving home at the end of THIS month. Oh, and don't tell Mom." OMGosh!!!

So, for the last two weeks, I have walked around holding my breath because I'm afraid I'll blurt it out - scream it from the rooftop that my little brother and his darling wife are moving home!!

My twin is coming home! Well, we're not really twins but we are so close we could be if you don't count the three and a half years between us! *grin*

But I digress. (happens a lot these days)

So, J calls me again and says, "I'm not going to be able to wait until six to see you guys. Let's surprise her at lunch." So now not only am I in collusion to hide all of this amazing information from my mother, I'm also conspiring surprise lunches the day of her birthday party.

Friday night, Mom and I are out running around and I casually mention to her, "know what sounds really good? Roadhouse - they have the best ranch. Want to eat there tomorrow?" She buys it and it's on the plan. Phase I of Birthday-gate is complete.

So comes Saturday morning. We have a long list of things to do and errands to run before the party that evening, so Mom and I start early. About 10 am, we head to Temple to get a battery for her watch - me watching MY watch all the time. (side note: J was fishing with his best friend that morning and we'd agreed to meet at Roadhouse at noon.) While we're in the mall, Mom says she wants to look for some new capris. That works out well and we end up shopping for another almost two hours.

By this time, I'm worn out. I am not a big shopper (as my former roomate K will tell you) and two hours in the mall is a long time for me. But, it was all in the spirit of the conspiracy.

11:45 rolls around and I'm beat. We walk out to the car and, very slyly, I flip open my phone and dial J's phone. When I hear he's come on the line, I put the phone down by my side and say to Mom, "I'm starved. Are you ready to go to lunch?" When she says yes, I hang up the phone. Mom never noticed it either. *giggle* That was J's signal to get off the lake and come our way.

So, we get to lunch and sit there for a few minutes. J calls Mom's cell phone. "hi, Mom - whatcha doin?" Just about that time, he walks around the corner. She still doesn't see him and carries on the conversation another 90 seconds before she notices him. I am about to come unglued trying not to laugh. She does a double-take, screams and jumps up to grab him. It was PERFECT!

Skip ahead a few hours to the party. We had a wonderful time! Mom's two brothers came in for the party, J was there, EG and his mom and dad were there, Doc was there and so was H. It was a really fun party.

Here are some pics:

This is my brother, disguised as a chair cover. Goofy.

Mom and J

from the left: Uncle T, me, Uncle R, Mom, J

The Conspirators

What a fun day! Happy Birthday, Mommy.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Like a chicken with its...OOH! Shiny!


I love my job.
I am getting more ADD every day and I'm ok with that. Work has been awesome. I feel like I'm part of a team totally committed to moving the organization forward. The air of excitement, urgency and change is everywhere in the air and I'm right in the middle of it! It's awesome!

I'm sorry I've been so out of touch lately. I've actually thought about taking the blog down for a while but know that I'd miss it and not be able to stay away so here it stays.

I'm learning more about school administration and the amazing amount of politics involved than I ever thought I would. I LOVE IT!!

Meanwhile, I come home and my behind is dragging the ground because I'm so tired. Running all day does take it out of you.

On that note, I'm going to crawl into bed, watch this crazy show on Food Network called Dinner: Impossible and go night night.


ps. good night. really. I'm. going. to. bed. I promise. Just after I get a cookie.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Better Today

Work is good for the soul. Ok, so I made that up. Even so, today was a good day and it made me feel better to get back to work. I have a board meeting tonight - it'll be my first.

Talked to Munchkin's dad this morning who said that she'd painted her little birdhouse and I think he said she painted a little of the porch too. *grin* That's my little Picasso.


Headed to the house to freshen up before the meeting. 'night, folks!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Home Again

It's 10:12pm and I'm home from The Trip. Oh, I got home on time this morning. The flight was uneventful.

It's good to be home although the house needs to be cleaned. I think I'll come home tomorrow, after work, and clean it.

Munchkin's room is still the cluttered mess of a whirlwind pixie, there are coffee cups in the sink and the other laundry that didn't get packed in her suitcase is still waiting to be folded and put away.

I came home today and slept the sleep of one grieving. Not deep and not restful but a brief oblivion. My heart aches. I know that this will pass quickly and I'll step into the routine of her absence just like she'll get in to her own routine with her dad.

I know she's fine. But am I? I thought I was ready for this. To come home, knowing she wasn't going to be here.

But, tonight, I came down the hall and her nightlight was still on. Going in to turn it off, I lost the battle against my own self and lay down on her little bed and wept. The house feels empty. Even the cats, who run for their lives in fear of her antics, seemed to sense that she was missing.

The house is a little sadder without her here.

I'm sure tomorrow I will look at things a little differently. I am sure that the next time I step on a barbie shoe I will resolve to pack those silly things away and be thankful that I don't have to mess with them for a while. But tonight I am alone in this house and my heart is broken.

I know she is alright. I know that her father needs this time with her and she with him. I feel that the Lord will bless this time with them and so I am glad she is there. I can only imagine the pain he feels knowing that he has two short months with her and then she will be gone from him again. Tonight, more than ever, I feel like I can begin to understand his grief.

God forgive me when I have begrudged him my sympathy. Tomorrow, I will ask him to forgive me.

Friday, June 8, 2007

The Big Trip

We'll get on the plane a little after 5pm and be in Newark (hopefully) a little after 10pm.

Munchkin is excited. Her dad is excited. I am....

Don't get me wrong - I am glad she's going. She will have a ball and it is good for her to spend time with her dad and his side of the family. I wish he didn't have to live so far away so she could see him more than just once a year. But two months? Gosh, that's such a long time.


I think about how nice it will be to sleep in on Saturdays

I think about how great it will be to not go to McDonald's a SINGLE time for two months.

I think about how great it will be to not trip over a single barbie or step on Barbie shoes for two months.

I think about how it will be so nice to have a complete conversation without my little mynah bird interrupting me every 10 seconds.

I think about how I can sleep through an entire night without hearing "April in Paris" 16 times because her big band cd is set on repeat.

I think about how nice it is that I will not have to run the a/c so low because my very hot-natured child can't sleep until it is 68 degrees in the house. (it's June and I still have two blankets on my bed!)

I refuse to think about missing bedtime prayers

I refuse to think about peanut butter kisses

I refuse to think about our games

I refuse to think about hearing her sing praise songs at the top of her lungs because she wants to make sure Jesus can hear "all the way up in heaven."

I refuse to think about snuggling with her first thing in the morning

I miss her already.

Come home soon, Doodlebug.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Cool Stuff

Love Love Love is the word for my new job. I love my office. I love the girls in the office. I love my boss. (no, not THAT kind of love, sheesh) I just love my job. I love the fast pace. (yes, I really do)

Yesterday I had a sore throat that just would not quit. I kept thinking, "Lord, please don't let this be strepp throat." So, I went home last night and crawled into bed and this morning it was mostly gone. YEAH!!! Thank goodness for Tylenol Sore Throat. I'm telling you, folks, this stuff WORKS.

I'm not like Everyday Mommy or Rocks in my Dryer; I don't get asked to do product reviews but I would be happy to do one for Tylenol. Sore Throat is the best stuff I've ever taken. Knocked me out without the fuzzy head the next morning. Good stuff.

Anyhoo, I love my job.

Have I mentioned I love it?

*giggle* Ok, I'm back to work. Later, gators!

Thursday, May 31, 2007

It's Time!!

Tomorrow's the day! I cleaned the last few things out of my office today, turned in my keys and said goodbye. It was a little sad but I know this is a great move and I am really excited.

I went and peeked in my new office - it's big and has TWO windows!! *grin* I'm going to load all of my boxes back into my car so I can get my office all set up tomorrow. Reminds me that I have to wear pants. I'll save my red suit for another day - even though I just love that suit. Really makes me feel like I'm putting my best foot forward. Not to mention the fact that the gauntlet has already been thrown down as they've committed to "converting" me into a Wildcat. Never. *giggle*

I told them about the picture of Munchkin in her Tiger t-shirt and they all gasped and said, "you can't bring that HERE!" ROFL

The CFO tried to gig me by telling me my office was going to be the "second door on the left." ONe of the girls in the office leaned over and said, "That's the BATHROOM." I said, "ok, two can play at that..." I think I'll make up a men's restroom sign and put it on his door.

This is going to be fun. All of the girls in the office seem really nice.

Anyway, back to my office. My desk is in the corner with the door to my left but not behind me. That's good - I'm pretty easy to sneak up on and then I just FREAK out. Wouldn't do to scream. *grin* On the opposite wall is a long row of cabinets (similar to my old office but without the top cabinets) and a long counter. That will be nice for spreading out projects but if I know me I'll keep it clear because clutter makes me nervous at work. Home is another story but we won't go there.

So, I'm off to bed so I can get up fresh-faced.

I'll be sure and update tomorrow after my first day. ta ta!!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

No Spoilers Here

But Oh Man what a great flick! We went to see Pirates 3 last night and it was SO awesome!!!

I fully intend to see it at least two more times in the theatre - there is just so much to digest. The level of detail ensures that the DVD version with all the extra features should just ROCK.

The storylines that the first two movies have set into motion all culminate in this movie. It's just shy of three hours long and it needs every minute of it to cover so much ground.

But you aren't left wanting. The music is perfectly expressive, the action scenes are so large I can't imagine how they made them, the storytelling is perfectly masterful - oh it's just fantastic.

Anyway, for what it's worth, I give this movie two thumbs WAY up...

I will say, though, that this is DEFINITELY not kid-friendly in MANY scenes. And, if you haven't watched the other two, you should plan on doing a little homework before you go. The third installment in the Pirates tale assumes that you're familiar with the characters and what their goals are. I can't imagine trying to keep up with all of the storylines otherwise.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Copper Buckets

My Visual Arts Director commented that my outfit (all black) looks like my "death of a job" look. She asked if I planned on wearing all black for the next three days.

Our Day Facilities guy said if he'd known sooner that I was leaving he would have gotten one of those porta potty things and chained me in my office. YUCK. So glad I didn't tell him earlier. *grin*

The folks around here are taking this pretty hard and that really touches me. Not that I'm glad they are unhappy or anything but that they care so much. I kind of see myself as a bit of a grouch. I like to be in charge of a project - I am certainly NOT a team player when it comes to work. I generally like to handle a project on my own because I don't like waiting (depending) on other people when, almost unfailingly, they'll drop the ball and I end up doing it anyway. So, the way I see it, it would have been faster if I had just done it all myself in the first place. Then, I could have planned for the extra work.

Oh well.

Anyhoo. K and I are going wedding scouting today. Today's targets are flowers. Oh, and copper buckets.

I think white and jade roses, white and green hydrangeas, some sort of green leaves and green berries. I would love to use Lily of the Valley or Lady Slipper Orchids or maybe even cymbidium orchids but those are harder to find so they'll be a lot more expensive. AND, I don't know a thing about handling orchids.

So, we're starting to get some details together. I love it!!

Have a happy Friday, y'all. Don't work too hard. Find something fun to do tonight!