Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Developing the Character of a Wife

No, this isn't a religious post. It's about my character for the show. ::giggle:: silly.

According to the blocking that herr Director has given us, I keep showing up as wife #2, next in line to Lady Thiang (head wife). Given this status, I've been thinking about my character; who she is, what she thinks and how she might react within the structure of the direction I've been given.

My first musical in high school was Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. What a fun show. Anyway - the director told us to write out the story of our characters - what a normal day might look like for them, what they liked to do in their spare time, what they liked and didn't like and, most importantly, how they felt about the story. Since then, I have applied that technique to every character I've ever played. It really helps me step into their skin and see through their eyes. Makes character portrayal MUCH easier. So, here is my sketched out "story" of wife #2.

My name is Kimi. I am a Japanese princess; a gift to the King of Siam when I was 15 years old. I am the second wife to the king. My child, a daughter, was born only a few months after Crown Prince Chulalongkorn. She died when the children were but 2 years old and yet the King looked kindly upon me and I remained a favored wife. I now have another child; a son. He is five years old.

Were the King's extraordinary kindness to me not enough to forever secure my loyalty, my tenuous position as #2 wife would. It is critical that I retain the favor of Lady Thiang, the head wife. As long as she looks kindly upon me and also my young son, we will be safe.

I am unsure about Mrs. Anna. She seems very kind, but she has very strange ideas about things and it seems dangerous to appear too sympathetic. She spends too much time worrying about Tuptim, I think. She should spend more time trying to please the King by properly teaching the Crown prince and other royal children. I will wait and watch.

Kiet, my son, adores her. I am very proud of how he picks up the English words. He learns faster than I do. He seems to be in his father's favor, so I breathe easy that he can be a little boy for a little while longer. It is easier for the boys with Chulalongkorn around; there is not so much pressure on them to grow up so soon.

I have seen the way Lady Thiang watches Tuptim and I think that girl is up to something. Not knowing what, I will watch for an opportunity to be the one that delivers important information to Lady Thiang. This will prove my loyalty, both to her and to the King.

::grin:: That's as far as I've gotten so far. I think that, of all the wives, wife #2 is the most scheming. Not necessarily in a cruel way, but in a very attentive way. Her position and perhaps her life and the life of her son depend on her awareness. I chose a Japanese name to explain my fair skin. I chose a Thai name for the little kid playing my son; what a cutie! He and the other little bitty ones are going to absolutely walk off with the show.

I invented the dead daughter to explain how I could be the #2 wife behind Thiang, even though I have the youngest child of all of the favored children. I've never been a direct threat to her because my first child was a girl. Also, I've been around the longest of the other wives. Perhaps the death of my child, when the Crown Prince was the same age tied us together. Now, I will do ANYTHING to keep that favored position; both with the King and with Lady Thiang.

::tee hee:: This is my favorite part of being in a show.

Ok, I'm done jabbering. I'm off to bed. ::yawn::

Thursday, June 15, 2006


I seriously need the weekend to hurry and get here. I am SO tired. I yawned all through rehearsal tonight.

I'm having a garage sale on Saturday. My annual, "it's summer and I'm tired of tripping over all of this junk/how did I accumulate all of this STUFF since last year" garage sale. ::grin::

K says our new doc is young, tall and cute... hmmm.. Maybe I feel a tickle in the back of my throat... Can't be getting sick now - too much to do. ::giggle::

Oh! My catalog is in! It looks FABULOUS. It's hard to believe it is actually here and it's better than I'd hoped for.

::YAWN:: Ok, ok. I know this week has been pretty spotty in updates, but I'm really sleepy. Maybe I'll write more tomorrow night.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Memorize schmemorize

It's been a REALLY long time since I had to memorize lines. Have I mentioned that I'm the understudy for Anna? Being the understudy means that you have to have everything memorized and blocked and ready to go, just in case something bad happens and the star can't perform. EEK!

I've never been an understudy before so I feel a little awkward. Then again, I haven't been in a show in eight years, so that kind of resets your clocks anyway. This memorizing without walking around getting the blocking, singing or interacting with the other characters is really blowing my braincells.

I think I would rather have NOT been cast as the understudy. All this work and I'll probably never do anything with it. ::sigh:: Oh well. I'm really glad to be in the show, as it is keeping me super busy and being the understudy gives me something to do in my "freetime." ::laugh::

I was feeling rather shy tonight at music rehearsal and didn't ask to have a little bump evened out until after everybody else cleared out. Is that my pride or am I just cautiously trying to ensure Mrs. Anna doesn't think I'm stepping on her toes. Not that I'd have any idea at what point that would be, as I've never been an understudy and have NO idea how they are "supposed" to behave. Am I supposed to be at every rehearsal where the character is called? Am I supposed to stay for musical rehearsals? Should I be fitted for Anna's costumes, in addition to my own? How do you know the difference between being prepared and making the appearance that you hope something will happen and you'll get to step in?

ICK. It was so much simpler when I was a prima donna. ::giggle:: No, really. You had one philosophy; "I'm the best." ::sigh:: Actually, I really don't miss the pretentiousness and mandatory scheming that goes along with it. On top of that, you NEVER got an "off day." There were too many others just waiting to tear your hair out if you messed up, so they could take your place. Again, I say ICK.

Ok, enough. I'm tired but I need to review the script up to tonight's blocking. Night, y'all.

Friday, June 9, 2006

Friday - finally!

s-l-eeeeeeeeeeeee-py.......... zzzzzzzzzz

Oh! I'm sorry - did I doze off? Having rehearsal every night this week has officially caught up with me, I think. All I can think about is how great putting my feet up and catching a little catnap would be.

I intend on getting in bed as EARLY as possible tonight. Yes, I know I say that almost every night. I really think I might actually be tired enough to really do just that.

Oh, isn't this funny? I found this at the store the other day. it really is silver, even though the scanner made it look like an old nickel. I am really looking for one that says "drama queen" but until then, "diva" will have to do. ::giggle::

Later, gators. ::sigh:: lunch is over and I didn't even nap. Well, maybe tonight. Happy Friday!

Monday, June 5, 2006

Kneepads are a MUST

Being a wife in The King and I is hard on the knees. (it's so much fun, though!!)

I am sooooooooooooooooo sleepy tonight. Ok, it's midnight and I'm going to bed. I know this is lame excuse for another post, but it's already tomorrow!!!

Goodnight, little john.

C'est Finis!!

It is finished! My season catalog is at the printer!


Rehearsal tonight. I'm so giddy, I could do a jig. But this will have to do..

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

::giggle:: I'll try and write more tonight.

Sunday, June 4, 2006

Praise You in This Storm

I was sure by now
God You would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again, I say "Amen"

and it's still raining
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear
You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God
Who gives and takes away

Chorus:I'll praise You in this storm
And I will lift my hands
For You are who You are
No matter where I am
Every tear I've cried
You hold in Your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry
You raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find You
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear You whisper through the rain
"I'm with you"
And as Your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God
Who gives and takes away

I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of Heaven and Earth
-song by Casting Crowns

Undeniably, today was the hardest day yet. This is the third Sunday since I left Munchkin on her Big Trip and, while I am positive she is having a great time with her dad and is in good hands; I am not so sure I am. ::laugh::

Don't get me wrong; I am accomplishing that which I set out to do: stay so busy I hardly have time to eat, much less mope about Munchkin. It's just these times when the house is all quiet and I know that, with the exception of the cats, I am alone that get to me.

So, back to today - church is a special thing that Munchkin and I share. She enjoys going to church almost as much as I do, I think. So, it is easy to really miss sharing that with her.

Today, I filled in for one of the regular teachers in her Sunday School class. You know, last Sunday when he asked me, I said yes without thinking how it would feel to be around so many Munchkin-sized kids without her there. Yeah, it sucked. I was really ready to go home and sleep off my sour mood.

Today, in bible study, we began reading Job. You know, it seems appropriate too. I've never really liked the book of Job because so much of it is in poetry form and I find poetry very tedious. But, the study was led today by someone other than our "regular" leaders and I hear it was a good class. He posed the question, "is there something in your life that, if taken away, would severely distress you? How do you think YOU would respond?"

At that question, I began thinking. The answer is obvious. Munchkin. She is the apple of my eye and her absence has taken some of the shine off of my worship. I've walked around in either a frantic rush or a form of suspended animation. My activities seem to lack the fervor that they should. My praise this morning was half-hearted because the other half of my heart is on her Big Trip.

No, I don't think it is wrong to miss my little girl. BUT, I do think there is something to be said for being able to praise God for what He's doing in spite of the separation. Perhaps God is using this temporary separation from Munchkin to teach Mommy some lessons about where my heart truly lies and how easy it is to take something and turn it into the object of our devotion. Hmm...

So, as much as Job bores me to tears with all of his waxing and waning verses, I think I shall read how a man honored by God handles turmoil.

Meanwhile, play rehearsals have begun and I have rehearsal every night this week. ::whew:: I did say I wanted to stay busy.