Ok, so it's been six weeks since I updated. Amazing how time flies when you are having fun, ne?
In a nutshell, here's what's been going on since my last post....
1. Started my new job
2. Had a birthday
3. Changed Baby Girl to a new school (more on that later, I'm sure)
4. Totally fell in love with my new job
5. Realized that Valentines is a REALLY dumb holiday and should be declared illegal in Texas
6. Folded about 60,000 pairs of socks, tshirts and other miscellaneous laundry
7. Slept a few hours
8. Ate a few times....
9. Went to church a few dozen times
Yep, that's about it. Exciting, huh?
So, I started my new job and oh my gosh I am having the time of my young life. Don't get me wrong, I come home mentally drained every day and that's been an adjustment but I'm having so much fun!! I have keys to a cultural center with five art galleries, a 487-seat auditorium, two banquet halls and art classrooms! How cool is that??
I've been on television twice already and I'm sure there is more to come. It's hard to explain the satisfaction I get from my job because it probably would just sound loony. I've never done advertising before so I'm learning as I go but I seem to be getting really positive feedback on the things I've created so far so that's good.
Things have been quiet on the homefront now that Baby Girl changed schools. I'm not even going to get into that rats nest tonight; I'll save it for another night. Let's just say that they were terribly pushy about rushing potty training and resisted any efforts I made to calm the situation. Besides that, they were stuck up. I mean, do I really want Baby Girl learning those lessons?
I dreamed about heaven again the other night. Wishful thinking, I think.
::yawn:: Well, guys and gals - I know this is a short update, considering my extended absence, but I'm back now and I'll make up for it later... I promise... g'night.