Thursday, December 29, 2005
What the heck is a pincurl?
Anyway, sorry for the lag in updating; holidays were upon us and computer time was scarce. But, I'm back now!! (no applause; just throw money)
So, I've discovered a new hobby. Or rather, I fell into it while looking for some hairstyle ideas. See, I've been growing my hair out and now it's about half-way down my shoulder blade. I don't want to cut it but can't stand a sloppy look. I wear mostly suits to work and long hair is still, mostly, seen as a sign of youth and inexperience, so I keep it up most of the time. Being bored with the messy bun look and disgusted with modern updo's (nothing more than a french twist with hair sticking up or curled at top - gag), I Googled "40's hairstyles" and came up with this site, Fedora Lounge. As it turns out, there are people who are into this entire revival of the "Golden Era" of the 30's and 40's. They walk, talk, dress and live the era. Some are much more casual about it but everybody seems to love it and really know what they are talking about.
I've spent more time the last two days than I really should, digging on the forums. Fear not, this isn't bound to be another House Pride situation where I am on morning, noon and night. I don't have time and it isn't that kind of forum. Well, I'm sure it could be but, again, I just don't have the time.
Today, I went to the library and checked out as many books as I could carry home to read up on the decade. I think it would be an easy transition to vintage or vintage inspired living. I've said many times over the course of my young life that I am a child born 60 years too late. That I belong to another era. That my passion for antique books, "old-fashioned" clothes and "outdated" ideals just don't fit in now. Apparently, I am not alone. How cool is that???
So, I'm playing along - seeing where it will take me. Who knows, maybe I'll figure out how to pin curl my hair and learn to swing dance? *grin*
Night, kids.
Sunday, December 4, 2005
Redeeming Qualities
Church has been just awesome. Today, the pastor read the story of Elijah and I just wanted to stand up and clap my hands. I mean, I am a member of a pretty conservative Southern Baptist Church and people might look at me funny if I stood up and got really excited during a sermon... *giggle* But, the story is just such a gosh darn good one, it's hard NOT to!
I met with my soon-to-be boss on Friday. Golly, I think we are going to get along like peas and carrots. We seem to have the same organizational style and our brainstorming seemed to go along the same lines. I was so excited to just be in the building on Friday that I squeeled like a little girl after the meeting was over (once I got into the car, of course). It was all I could do not to clap my hands during the meeting. That might have given the impression that I was a little too excited and might have worried the Director. *grin*
I just can't believe that I'm about to get paid to do all of this fun stuff. It just doesn't seem possible that I'm about to have a job that seems to have been just tailor-made for me! Of course there will be days when I'll want to run off to the circus or choke my boss. Hey, that's a part of working. But, to be able to anticipate work that suits my talents and gifts instead of, day after day, trying to put on and wear shoes that just don't fit.
I went to a banquet last night and the speaker was a long-time acquaintence of mine. I met her when I was in college and we ran into one another shortly after I moved home last year. She said something very neat during her talk last night - she said that each year, she asks God to show her something new about the Christmas story. She also said that she thinks that a big part of being included in what God is doing is just being willing to act but, more importantly, paying attention and being curious.
With that thought in mind, I listened to the church choir present their annual Christmas musical. Tonight, for the first time, I heard something I'd never heard before. In Luke, it talks about when the shepherds came to the stable, at the command of the angels. It says that they left the stables and proclaimed what they had seen to all around, and all who heard it were amazed. Now, I've heard that 1000 times. What I hadn't heard before was the next verse. In Luke 2, verse 19, it says, "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." I wonder what that means. Most likely Mary was illiterate. It's not like she could have written them down. Maybe it means that she committed them to memory so that she could draw them out of her memory and reflect upon them later.
Anyway, I just think that's a really neat scripture and I plan to think more on it.
We rearranged the living room again tonight. I just love moving furniture. It gives the room a whole new look and you don't spend a dime. I think, in the spring, I'm going to repaint a couple of rooms in the house. I'd like to do away with the green in my room and tone down the yellow in the living room. Maybe repaint the office all together - maybe a shade of red. *shrug* Who knows? Spring is a long time from now and I'm likely to change my mind about 305 times until then.
Well, kids - I think this train is out of steam. I'm going to put on a movie and call it a night. Y'all have a great week!
Saturday, December 3, 2005
Have I mentioned that I love taking pictures? People, places, things - it doesn't matter to me. I just love photography. It's kind of a hit or miss thing with me, though. I'll certainly never be winning any awards with the MAJORITY of my photographs (mainly because I'm too lazy to try and read the owners manual for my camera), sometimes I get lucky and something really neat comes out.
So, because I haven't updated my blog in a while and I can't really think of anything heart-stoppingly interesting about which to write, I'm going to post a few of my favorite photos. This is one of my cats. He likes to curl up in baskets and sleep the day away.

Taken at Sea World, in San Antonio Texas. I just loved the way the legs of this rollercoaster seemed to go up all the way to the sky.
This photo was taken in San Antonio, Texas. I altered the photo with a sepia finish and then a film grain overlay. I was trying to prove a point to a friend about how easily photos can be manipulated to suit the desires of the photographer.
This is one of my yard kitties, Fred. This photo just captures his shyness.
Well, there are about a hundred others I could post, but they are closeups of my daughter. Maybe I'll post more later.