Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Storm Front

I don't want to be in a battle. But waiting on the edge of one I can't escape is even worse."
Pippin - Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Have you ever had a time when you knew a time of chaos and upheaval was coming and you just had to wait for it to happen because there was nothing you could do to stop it. All of your efforts to reverse years of inflicted damage proved too late.


There are so many things on which I could expound but my relationship to them prevents me from speaking freely. To do so would be to take the risk of inflicting further damage on an already damaged cause. Leave it to say that one good deed is not enough to redeem a lifetime of bad deeds. (that's from Pirates of the Caribbean, for those of you paying attention)

Perhaps, at some point in the future I can explain this cryptic update.

In other areas of my life, pieces are seemingly falling into place for some absolutely glorious things and they are creating quite a bit of excitement.

J is good. He emailed me this morning and said that he FINALLY got the box I sent him. So, I should plan on it taking a month. He didn't have time to write about the box other than to say he got it. I hope he likes the things I put in it. It's been such a long time that I'm fuzzy on what all was in it.

Now that I know how long it takes for things to get there, I can plan on how I want to send the cookies. Peanut butter - just like he likes.

Work is crazy. We have five days straight of events starting on Thursday and then we'll be pretty much finished until Summer Arts Camp. That will be the time I build my season catalog and my budget for next year.

Is it lunchtime yet?

Later, y'all.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Two Days in a Row!!

In a most decadent show of laziness, I ignored the dust on the floor today (again) and took a nap. I feel simply terrific and all caught up on my rest.

Church was good. The pastor was out today because his new grandbaby was born during the night. The Minister over the Military Ministry preached today on encouragement. It was a good sermon from 1 Thessalonians. He talked about how the verses helped he and his wife through his deployment to Iraq in 2003.

Then, we came home and napped. After naps, Munchkin and I went to Mom's school and helped her re-arrange her classroom.

Now we are home and Munchkin playing very loudly in the tub. As for me? I have towels to fold. Later, gators.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

A Quiet End to a Good Day

11:11 - time to make a wish or say a prayer.

It was a good day. Got up earlier than I'd planned but haven't been sorry about it. Stole a little nap this afternoon, while Munchkin slept so I ended up with more rest than I've had in a while.

I'm beginning to wonder if I am getting an ulcer. Everything I eat, Ramen soup being the exception, causes my stomach to shoot daggers into my abdomen and I feel like I need to lay down. I think I'm going to give it two more weeks to settle down and then I'll call the doctor.

But enough about my sore tummy and back to the day.

I went to the store and picked up some things for the house, washed sheets and bedding in my room, changed out the comforter in Munchkin's room, rearranged the living room furniture to accomodate my mother's piano and moved my bed to an adjacent wall. So, nothing really.

I didn't get to the floors, but I'll hit them tomorrow.

I had a long conversation with my little brother and that was great. I miss him, have I mentioned? Pair that with a long conversation with EG and it was a very satifying example of what talking on the phone should be like. Now if I could just get J on the phone so I could hear his wonderful voice. Ah, maybe one of these days.

I made the ex's baked ziti recipe and it was wonderfully tasty, if I say so myself. Not that I could eat very much of it because of my stomach but whatever. *grin*

Well, friends, I'm off to bed. Night, y'all.

You know you're a grown-up when...

1. You wake up at 7:45am and call that "sleeping in."
2. You would rather have a cup of coffee over a margarita
3. The first thing that enters your mind on a lazy Saturday is, "great! I can wash all of the bedding, turn the mattresses, put out the new candles, do the floors and air out the house!"
4. When talking to friends or family about the above-mentioned Saturday you say you really didn't do anything.
5. You know that, if money were no object, you'd spend a ton on your house, rather than expensive vacations or shopping sprees.


Ok, so maybe that's not all grown-ups. Maybe I'm just weird.

Have a happy Saturday! I don't have much planned except rearranging the living room, airing out the house, buying new candles, working a little in the yard (very little, mind you), straightening up the house... You know, barely more than sitting around on the couch all day! *grin*

Have a happy Saturday, y'all!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Another New Layout

I think this one is a DEFINITE improvement. Yes, it's VERY green - but it's almost spring!

And the banner is a semi-custom job. I mean, it's not really rocket science to do a little text manipulation in Photoshop. Golly, that's a fun toy.

It's been a good (albeit quiet) day. I've been researching podcasts and if we might be able to host them on the Center's website. Considering it takes an act of Congress and $1000 every time I think about updating the Flash header - probably not. But, a girl can hope. *sigh*
Talked to J for a very brief moment earlier today. He called me "dear." *giggle* Is it possible for one word to bring such simple silly happiness? I am a TOTAL girl.
K, EG and I are going out to dinner and then we're going to see the new movie, Breach. It looks like a total nail-biter.
Well, we are about to close for the night. Have a happy Friday night, y'all.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Can we switch back now?

I'm officially hating spring Daylight Savings Time. They should call it Losing Time, since we've lost that oh-so valuable hour of sleep. Is it Friday yet? Better yet, is it time for the next Daylight Savings Time, when we get our hour back?

Thing here are good. J seems to be doing ok - still not getting enough sleep, I'm sure but I am talking to him a lot more now that he has better access to internet. At the end of this month, it will have been four months since we last saw each other in person. He's been gone three months. I guess I just miss him.

Work is fine. Job seems to be changing a bit and we all know how I am with change. Especially when that change includes adding sales to my to do list. YUCK. I'm sure it will be fine and it's just the thought that is making me so irritable.

I think I figured out part of the problem with my laptop. I cleaned over a gigabyte of junk off of my machine last night. Munchkin got a game for christmas around the movie Cars. My laptop hates it and won't run it. (I've since learned that most laptops don't like games)


I could use a nap.

Munchkin is staying the night with her Nana tomorrow night which means I can sleep in on Saturday! WHOO HOO!!!!

I think this is officially the most rambling post I've written in a while. But, it's an update.

I don't know what's wrong with me - it's like my inspiration for blogging has dried up and I really struggle to come up with post-fodder.

I think I'd just like to sleep. I know I've technically caught back up on my sleep from the show but I still feel tired. Like I could just curl up and sleep the rest of this year away. At least until summer time.

PS. This isn't me. My office is prettier.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Horrible Dream

All day I've been in a strange mood. I have a lot to do at work but I've had trouble focusing. This is very odd for me because I am usually hyper-focused on some project and have to tear myself away to eat or the like. It is so frustrating and I don't know whether to scream or cry.

I had a horrible dream last night. I had a dream that my phone rang and it was J. He was calling to tell me that he'd been extended and wouldn't be home until NEXT July (2008). And then, he hung up. I remember crying in the dream.

I had forgotten about the dream until just a moment ago. It explains why I had this strange sense of disorientation and disconnect when I talked to J earlier today. I think he sensed it too. *sigh*

Sometimes I hate dreaming.

I'm having trouble letting go of the show. It was such a phenomenal experience - I guess I just didn't want it to be over so soon.

Maybe I just need a day off. Or a nap sans dreams.